Siblings are a struggle

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Apparently these parents want a big family, because we already have a new baby sister! She's absolutely adorable, though I think for some reason, Jiro was cuter. Maybe the baby vision is at it again. Anywho, baby Nezuko is still adorable, so I decided to give her a proper nickname. Nezu; yeah I know I'm creative.

We, me and Jiro, decided to be the best big brothers ever. Though Jiro made me promise with him, maybe he would feel left out if I didn't. That makes me sad for some reason. Jiro is actually a pretty good big brother, helping with our parents and stuff. Well I'm just trying my best to read and not get annoyed by a baby. I guess I also read stories to her, but it's not like I do much. I'm not falling for their cuteness, I swear!

Nezu picks up on stuff pretty quickly too, having already said her first word. Surprisingly her first word was puppy Jiro. I guess I said it too much around her, but it did make Jiro extremely happy so, it's all good.

Seriously, our parents need to stop with the children. We have four children now in the family, our newest baby being Takeo. Who I've deem a cat. He's even more moody than me, which is saying a lot. But it seems Nezu and Jiro know how to handle him. Sibling instincts I guess. Jiro's the puppy, Nezu's the hamster, and Takeo's the cat.

I probably shouldn't think of my siblings as pets, but I really can't help it. They are too adorable not to be thought of as pets. Life's still as boring as before, learning, chores, helping Nezu and Takeo, oh and taking care of Tanjuro. It seems I forgot that Tanjuro became ill before the story starts.

It's really a shame since he tells good jokes. Despite being ill, he seems to do fine outside, even Jiro noticed. He asked about it and it seems it has to do with breathing? What the hell kinda magic is this!? Right, I forgot this is a shonen anime.

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