2 |Before Moving Out

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A/N: This chapter contains strong language and violence. Reader discretion is advised.


I stood there looking baffled, processing what Alicia said. Not again.

"I know that look. Relax, ok. Just breathe." Al started to lead the breath-in, breath-out exercise we had always done since we were preschoolers. "It'll be fun I promise. And no backsies."

I doubt it. Not when Stephanie's there it's not.

"Am I even invited?" I sneered at the thought.

Al just looked at me with a grin plastered on her face.

Oh no...

Before I could say anything, I noticed our driver was already waiting for us outside.

"That's our limousine. It's too late to say no, I take it?

Alicia only giggled as she high-fived our driver, heading inside the car as her newly bought dress swayed, "Yay!"

"Now I understand why you insisted on me wearing this tuxedo on the go," I said in a monotone voice.

Alicia smiles. "Don't hate me for it, I'll make sure you'll enjoy your first real party."

"What's that supposed to mean? I've been to parties!"

"My debut and your family's ribbon cutting don't count." Al started doing her makeup while she spoke, "And besides, you just ate your way to the end of those parties, moping around the corner, pretending you're talking to someone on the phone. It's time you go out there and meet other people!"

"You know I hate people and talking is exhausting. I can barely manage to interact with you!" I gave her a side glance, moving slightly away from her.

"Then, how do you propose to find your future love if you're acting like this?"

I already found her though. I thought to myself.

Her voice breaks into a mellow tone. "You have to try. I'm not doing this for me, it's for you." She took my hands in hers. "I can't always be there beside you, talking to people on your behalf because you're shy or you fear you'll stutter or you'll be judged. We're social creatures by default. And humans communicate, even for a little. Promise you'll try?"

I unconsciously gave a weak yet genuine response. "I promise."

She embraced me tightly and a whiff of sweet rose blessed my senses. I wish we could stay like this forever.

She breaks the hug, hyping me up. "Now! Let's practice that smile!" I flash a grin, showing more teeth to really encapsulate a friendly face.

"What do you think?" I asked. Al touched my face, properly positioning my smile.

"It still needs some work but thank you, for indulging me." Alicia smiles again and I swear she's getting beautiful whenever she does.

"All righty lads, we're here." Our driver's voice echoed, "Enjoy your time." Saying this while raising his eyebrows suggestively at me and Al. I just shrugged it off as I opened the door for Alicia.

"You look stunning by the way." I tried not to blush but her smile was breathtaking.

"Of course! Got to look my best." Al smooths her dress and my hand instinctively reached for the stray hair on her face, tucking it behind her ear. Her smile widens and my heart flutters. Score!

"What are you doing?" She raised her voice. "It's supposed to be there, silly." Al puts the stray hair back to where it was minutes ago.


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