9 |Strangers

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A/N: This chapter is awesome! Don't forget to vote!


The world is cruel. 

My mind wanders off again. I tried to think of anything positive, to distract myself. There's nothing positive about my life now, is there?

I'm finally able to play the violin again but I can't help but dread the deal my father shoved down my throat. The prospect of going to a school in another country, all alone without Alicia terrifies me. But if I stay here, I'll be subjected to thousands of meetings and conferences, if I manage to stay alive, that is. I can only shiver at the thought.

Then there's the problem with Alicia. I can finally breathe easy, now that I confessed to her but I still have this feeling like I'm talking to a stranger. She lies and keeps secrets. I don't even know when the deception starts. Maybe I'm just blinded by my feelings back then. But now I'm not.

There's only one good thing that happened to me this week. Meeting Jamie... I don't understand. Why am I drawn to him? Usually, people like him exhaust me. I want to talk to him again if this world permits it.

"Are you okay?" Alicia's careless whisper caught me off guard.

No, I'm not okay! There's too much happening right now and I feel like I'm stuck, I don't know what to do!

"I'm fine." I avoided her look, trying to hide my face.

"Of course, you're not okay." She sighs. "This is really bad. I'd hate to see you go but I think this is the best choice for you right now."

Deep down, I know she's right. Besides escaping danger, I heard that just attending Sonetta de Musique University sparks overwhelming opportunities for a student. Even more when you are crowned as one of the "Jewels" of the school.

But when all strive to be the best, to be a Jewel. Is my passion enough? Will my talents suffice? I'm sure I'll meet more enemies there than a friend and that scares me. That is if I can safely make it there.

Officer Reddison emerges from the room. He gives back my phone with an indiscernible look.

"I already spoke with Senior Detective Samson and I'm afraid he'll not be able to meet you because of... Reasons." He looks like he's in another dimension as he tries to explain why.

Mr. Reddison composes himself, trying to form a serious face with his doe eyes.

"While I was checking on Mr. Samson, we both noticed an irregular pattern in the messages."

"What do you mean?" Alicia tries to minimize her voice.

"Well, for starters, Mr?" He looked at me, raising his eyebrow.

"Chaotan," I mumbled.

Mr. Reddison tore a piece of paper from the calendar on the wall and shoved it on my hand along with a pen. "Uh. Please, write your full name in there, along with your contact information. It's fine if you have no Facebook, your number will do."

Weird, but okay.

He skims the content in the piece of paper I handed to him. "Mr. Chaotan. The message you receive is very different from the missing girls. We can see that there's no hint of malice in there, just pure warning."

What is he saying? This just left me more confused and bothered.

Officer Reddison seems to notice my bewildered expression and he wastes no time, "From what we know, these criminals seem to enjoy the thrill of hunting. They somehow find ways to 'warn' future victims before making them disappear.

For instance, there's an ongoing case with Ms. Spencer. She came here and reported a threatening message way back before summer ended. There are tons, but I'm very intrigued by this one.

'We can see through cracks, so always watch your back. You know we won if we dress you in black.'

That's more poetically creepy don't you think? But as time passed, she stopped interacting with us and we still don't know why.

We didn't stop trying, though. And we soon learned that she's being stalked up to this day and even if she's not cooperating, we're trying our best to guard her safely."

"Wow... That's a lot." Alicia swallowed the lump in her throat. "Even if the one Kai received is different, he still needs the protection he can get from you. Even for a little while, before he leaves this country."

"Of course!" Mr. Reddison nods in agreement. "There's already a volunteer and he's one of our best agents. He'll definitely protect you wherever you go. Though you might not feel his presence while he guards you because he's just that good!"

He chuckles before shaking Alicia's hand. "But if you or your friend ever need help, just call me. I mean call the police. I'll-- we'll be there."

Al flashed a strained smile. "Thank you for your service."

"Anytime!" Officer Reddison replied. "Oh! Do you need a lift? I could drive you with my car." He points at the same convertible car Jamie drove.

My body just moved on its own and I could barely contain my mouth from escaping a soft whisper. "That car outside, it's yours?"

"That perfectly beautiful one and only convertible car?" He proudly shows its shiny keys. "Sure is! Pretty cool huh?"

So it's not his... But that plate number is familiar. I whipped out my phone to check, and sure enough, it's the same one.

"Is there any chance, you know someone called Jamie? Is he here? I want to talk to him."

The officer stammers, "No! Jamie? Jamie who?"

"Is he in trouble?" I started to feel concerned.

It took Mr. Reddison a minute to respond, "Yeah, sure." He then ushers us, leading us outside. "Do come back if anything is troubling you alright?"

I don't know what to feel. He hides behind his friend and refuses to talk to me. Did I do something wrong? But on the other hand, I'm glad he's doing well.

Alicia thanked Mr. Reddison once again and he heartbrokenly waved goodbye at us.

We pretty much left the police station in low spirits. I closed my eyes and pinched my cheek, hoping this was all a dream.

I heard Al huffs a heavy sigh. "Your parents deserve to know."

So this is not a dream. This is really happening... I silently agreed, whipping out my phone. But before I could call them, my heart dropped as another message popped on the screen.

It's from my mother. Thank God!

"Hey, sweetness! I see you ran off with Alicia. You naughty boy. I just want you to know that we'll be busy till tomorrow morning. The driver said that he dropped you guys in the mall! Oh, how exciting! Don't forget to enjoy yourselves!"

I tried to call them regardless but all my calls went straight to voicemail. I can't say I'm surprised, really.

Alicia softly looks at me. "No go?"

I can only shake my head as I hand my phone to her. I don't want to bother them with trivial matters. I'll just deal with this alone.

There's a hint of pity and fret in her eyes as she reads the text my mother sent me.

"Why don't we have a sleepover at my place?" Al stood tall and her eyes twinkled. "I'll be sure to protect you myself!"

A gentle smile formed on my lips.

Maybe I'm wrong. I don't have to deal with this on my own. I have Alicia.

And she's no stranger... She's my friend! Always have been.

My best friend.

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