5.2 |Confession

45 9 1

A/N: Enjoy!


I took the paper from my bed. It's an old brochure from a school in Paris. It has this rough texture that seems to be stored for quite a long time. "What's this for?" I waved the paper at her.

"You're going to college. Follow your dreams and be happy."

Sonetta de Musique. Isn't this an expensive music school?

"You're giving me way too much credit Mother. They have a lot of conditions. And frankly, Father wouldn't agree."

My mother stood firmly "Don't worry about him. And! I can help you with those million requirements. I just need you to do one thing." I squint my eyes, confused by my mom's serious face. "Go with us tomorrow at the launch of our new product."

I can't help but shake to my core. I'm sweating all over again. I tried to hide it but my gasps for air were becoming noticeable. My mom just patted me on the head. "Your father and I will be there with you. I just need to prove your dad something and, I'll need you for it." She reassured me by cupping my cheek. "After that, you'll be happy doing what you like and no one can stop you."

Is it really worth it though? No, probably not. But this project meant the world to them.

I just gave her a slight, unsure nod and my mom kissed my cheek gently. "Mother knows best. Now sleep. We have to be early."

As soon as she left, I jumped on my bed from exhaustion. "Wow. What a day..." I just stared at the ceiling, contemplating what I should do next. I yawned and stretched. After finding the best position to sleep in, I scrolled down the app, trying to find Jamie's profile on Facebook.

What a shame, I don't have any patience for this.

I can subtly hear my phone ringing. But I soon found myself in the dream world and after that, everything faded to black.

Early morning came, and here I was, patiently waiting as my parents ran all over the house. "Honey! I think there's a mouse on top of the shelf!" My mother screeches.

"If you're that loud, it's probably across the country by now!" My father descends the stairs into the lobby.

"It's a goddamn sock. On top of the shelf!" She peeked outside before throwing it at my father's face. "And it's yours! I'll not even ask how it got there, but you're the one who'll wash it!"

My dad can only shake his head, hiding the sock behind a pillow on the couch. He shushes at me and a giggle escapes from my mouth.

"Thanks for waiting, everyone!" My mom emerges from the walk-in closet.

"An hour in there and you come out looking like that?" My father examines her from head to toe.

"What?" My mom asked, carefully staring at him.

"And you look lovely as always, my dear." He kisses her on the cheek and she pushes him coyly.

No matter how crazy they may be, I'm jealous they have each other.

We got in the car and started on the road. My heart skipped a beat when I opened my phone. It's Alicia, with over 50 texts and missed calls. Oh no. We're close to the venue of the project launch. I don't have time to view all her texts which is probably just her being upset. And I don't even want to know if she's angry.

We're here! We exited the car and flashes of over a dozen cameras started to overwhelm me. I felt dizzy and I stumbled forward.

My father stopped me from falling. "You're my son. So put your best foot forward."

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