Bonus Chapter: Behind Closed Doors

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A/N: This bonus chapter follows the necktie guy after the event in Chapter 2. A minor part contains strong language so reader discretion is advised.

The necktie guy

Sirens blared and I can only look towards the night sky. Admiring its beauty as I lit up a cigarette that is almost wrecked due to the scuffle I had with a criminal.

I can feel a presence behind me, slowly approaching. "Hey, father," I muttered after puffing a smoke.

Then the sky was replaced by my father's face, looking down with a face I can't quite distinguished between anger and disgust.

He took my cigarette with force, breaking it in half. "You are really doing this to yourself?! Have you learned nothing?"

"Hey, I'm not a part of your posse cult anymore so..." I retort, pulling out another disfigured cigarette.

"I only gave you a break, since clearly you've been all over the place. We're all grieving your mother and I will not give you a bitch pass! But at this point, I may have no choice but to dismiss you entirely!"

Another figure slowly approached us. "Dad, we already finished looking for evidence in the area and there's no sign of the perpetrator here, only a pool of blood of the victim.

My father fixes his uniform before facing me. "And now, we lost the girl."

I look him dead in the eye, "Maybe I'll feel better if you give a damn about my mother's case!" I stood up, not taking off the glare in my eyes. "I was this close! I had a lead but you just have to make me face the wall!"

"That's because you're all over the place! You're crossing boundaries! Like right now. You deliberately baited that criminal with our lead. Our lead, who's a girl! And now she's injured and missing! All thanks to you!

We had the right way of doing things. And that's what we all should follow. Whatever case it may be."

"What an earful. You're a joke, you know that?" I heave a sigh.

"You have no right to speak to our father that way, big brother!"

"Oh do shut up, golden boy."

"You know what, father? I don't care, dismiss me if you want. You already took my badge and gun, so just do it! I can handle this alone."

I heard my father sighs as I walk away followed by my brother calling out to me.

"Hey! Brother! Um... I just want to tell you that father is upset with you."

"Knowing you're the one whispering in his ear like a snake, I'm not surprised."

My brother stops and I can sense him putting on his real sinister face. "You know I'll definitely win now, right?" He whispers, making sure I'm the only one that can hear him.

I turn my head slightly to the side. "You can die trying, baby brother." I just kept walking, knowing now was not the time to have a face-off with him.

As I was walking down the street to the parking lot, I felt a presence behind me. I casually walked, waiting for him to approach me closely. He tried to pull a chokehold tactic on me but with one elbow to his side made him wriggle in pain. "Nice try." I smiled at my friend as he coughed.

"Oh golly... I really can't sneak up on you, huh?"

I laughed, crossing my arms. "What do you expect? You're a noisy bastard after all."

He grins. "So!" He puts an arm around my shoulder. "I heard you fucked up. That's new." He raises his brows, teasing me.

I removed his hand, shaking my head. "I'm done letting them get away with everything."

He ran in front of me. "I cannot let you get into trouble again."

I walked past him. "Trying to stop me now, are you? Well, you better think twice."

Thomas sighs. "Stop you?!" He looks at me, surprised. "Nah! I don't want to waste my time. What I meant is, you probably could use a new pair of hands!"

I just stared back at him, dead serious.

"I don't know I could help you much though."

I gently punched his chest. "Thanks, bro. Your support is all I ever need."

My friend lowered his voice. "Yeah... You did what you had to though. So don't be a downer. I know you'll catch him soon. You had an opportunity to lure them out and you did, simple as that.

"Yes," I replied. "Yet I still let the culprit escape."

I should feel bad about this but for some reason, I'm not. I wallow at the thought. That rich-looking cutie. It's not a serious wound but he still made me care. Making sure that he's safe made it all worth it.

Why do I feel like I know him from somewhere? In this crazy life of mine, how could I forget such a face?

A figure in the distance snapped me back to reality.

It's him!

"Quick give me your keys!" I quickly looked at Thomas.

"No! I don't care if you're sad! Don't take my new car!"

I gave a quick search in his pockets as he struggled.

"No, bro! I know you'll botch it!"

"Give it!" I pouted.

"You're the worst." He gave me the key with a defeated face.

"Thank you!" I teasingly rubbed his head, sprinting towards his car. "I'll make it up to you!" I slowly drove ahead.

Ok. Be cool. Be cool. You just need to ensure his safety from the culprit. You got this! I amped up the music, giving me more confidence as my head danced to the rhythm.

I slowed down in front of him. Making sure he sees my handsome side first.

He looks so cute when he's freezing. I'd like to snuggle with him and warm him up!

~~ "Hey! Walk away, groom!" ~~

Behold! My Difficult RoommateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora