An Overthinker

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As far as Jane remembered she was always an overthinker. She was used to overthinking everything. Once, when she was ten years old, she chose to wear a specific pair of shoes instead of another. And the whole day, she spent worrying if it would be better if she would've put the white pairs on. Not even talking about exams. She was overthinking each answer. Even though she got straight A's, she was still worrying. 

When she became a teenager and understood how bad this trait could've been in the future, she immediately stopped doing this. After years she was the most confident person you would ever meet. At least at school. 

Her brother, Nate on the other hand, was confident since childhood and used to make fun of his sister when she would start worrying about small details. 

Nate was a year older than Jane and was always playing the role of the typical elder, overprotective brother. 

Their parents, Nicole and James, met each other in preschool and since then, their friendship was unbreakable. When they graduated, they started dating and in their 30s they got married and had children.

Before the holidays, Jane also graduated and was planning where to go to the university. The best choice was New York's university which was pretty close to her house and was the university where Nate studied as well. 

"I want to learn philosophy" she was saying this since childhood and now when the opportunity actually occured if wouldn't let this chance go.

If we will talk about Jane's private life, she had lots of friends, but the closest ones were Elizabeth Browlyn and Adeline Wright. She didn't have a boyfriend but was secretly admiring one of her classmates named Owen Willson. Years ago, she loved her brother's best friend Steve Marshall, but after he went to another school, she understood that it was over. Jane had a boyfriend once. His name was Sam White and was one of her closest friends, but then Sam fell in love with Jane's ex-best friend, Mary, and started going out with her after a breakup with Jane.

She was activating her overthinker side when it came to Steve, but somehow she got over it.

Owen was adorable. He was extremely tall with light blue eyes and brunette hair. He was very calm and quiet, but clever. He was very gentle and sweet, but sometimes way too introverted.

Her old crush, Steve on the other hand was just the opposite. He was also tall and thin with brown hair. He had endearing brown eyes which Jane was used to stare at for a long time. Steve was extroverted, and funny, with an amazing sense of humor. He loved sports just as Owen did. 

Even though the similarities these guys shared, in person they were completely different. Jane admitted that Steve had charisma, but Owen was also freaking adorable.

For almost two years she was thinking about who she should've chosen, but as his brother wasn't that close with Steve anymore and plus he was not going to their school, she decided to get over him.

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