Just a dose

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-Janey, Natie-you came!-Riley clapped her hands with happiness and hugged us both. Her cheeks were pinker than usual and she was wearing a pink dress which was practically the same color as her face. Her blonde hair was combed neatly and she was wearing red lipgloss.

-It will be easy for me to understand if she will kiss you today-I whispered in my brother's ears and received a death glare from him.

I looked at my jeans and shirt that gave 80s vibes and then at Nate's dark blue hoodie and black jeans. You wouldn't be able to think of us as siblings, we looked like a couple more. 

I glared around the room and saw many familiar faces, including my best friends Adeline and Elizabeth. I always see Adeline first because of her natural, curly ginger hair. Elizabeth has light brown hair and hazel eyes. I am the thinnest, but tallest of us three. Lizzie and Adeline are also thin and tall though. 

Adeline greets me and Nate with a grin on her face. "Green shirt suits your hair very much" Nate complimented her and she made her thankful pose. Elizabeth was complaining about how much she hated her blue tank top which actually looked very nice.

Suddenly, Nate went to his friends Chris Horowitz and Matthew Smith. Elizabeth greeted her boyfriend, Josh, and left me and Adeline alone. We talked about the guy who loved Adeline very much and was ready to confess his love to her once again, but Adeline didn't have any interest in this boy. 

-Nice style, Collins-my friend Nicole approached me-80s I see.

-You look amazing as well-I was already tired of complimenting people even though they all looked actually breathtaking.

I went to the table to take a dose of Coca-Cola. On my way, I saw Owen who looked handsome as always. I took a deep breath. We both made it very obvious that we liked each other, but we haven't been on a date. I took another deep breath and finally approached him.

-Hey Owen-I tried to pronounce it very casually.

-Oh hey, Jane-he smiled and hugged me. It gave me millions of butterflies. 

-Do you want a soda?-he asked.

-Yes, I came to take a dose of my favorite drink-I laughed and blushed slightly.

-Coca-Cola? Again? Seriously?-he laughed as well.

-Well, it tastes great-I to wonder how much time would we spend discussing Coke. Sometimes I say very embarrassing sentences or phrases when I am with Owen, but he ignores those things.

-You look fantastic, by the way- he added.

-Thanks, you too- I tried so hard not to blush. I opened and sipped my drink and looked around the room to see where Nate was.

-Any expectations about University that you would like to share, Miss?-he teased me.

-Stop calling me Miss! And I don't really know. I am so in shock that this year I will go to the University that...I just can't think of any expectations.

He nodded seriously. He was taking some subjects way too thinking and complicated. It wasn't very annoying though. It gave him his charisma.

Suddenly one of my favorite songs "I Love Rock 'n' roll" started playing and I pulled Owen to the dance floor where my and his friends were hanging out and we started to have fun.

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