A Nightmare Come True - 25/12/1993

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––––––––––AT NED'S––––––––––


NED'S MOM: Has everyone got an outfit for tonight's party?

NED'S DAD: Yeah, it's on the bed

Iris holds a rainbow dress

IRIS: Mommy, can I wear this?

NED'S MOM: That's beautiful!

NED'S MOM: Of course you can

Iris skips off happily


NED'S MOM: Have you got an outfit?

Ned comes downstairs

NED'S MOM: Where's your outfit for tonight?

NED: I'm not going

NED'S MOM: Why not?

NED: I'm going out with the gang

NED'S MOM: On Christmas?

NED: Yeah?

NED'S MOM: Come on, they're so kind inviting us to their party

NED'S MOM: I've already told them we'd be going

NED'S MOM: And I mean all of us

NED'S MOM: It would be extremely rude to not show up

NED: But you know what happened between me, Bryan and Gavin

NED: I don't want to see them right now

NED: They probably don't want to see me either

NED'S MOM: This is supposed to be a happy celebration

NED'S MOM: Everything's gonna be fine in the end

NED: I'm not risking it

NED: You can tell them I'm ill

NED'S MOM: No, I am not doing that

NED'S MOM: You'll be going with us and that's final

Knock knock

Ned's mom opens front door

Cop standing outside

NED'S MOM: Oh um, hi officer!

NED'S MOM: Is everything alright?

COP: Hello, is Ned Anderson here?

NED'S MOM: I-I'm sorry um

Ned's mom looks at Ned

NED'S MOM: Could you give me a second?

COP: Yeah, of course

Ned's mom shuts door


NED'S MOM: What is going on?

NED: Who's at the door?

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