-My Power-

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My adrenaline had finally ran out, my head was pounding and I just knew my left ribcage was bruising up like crazy. I wasn't even bothered to wipe my bloody nose as I could feel blood covering my face as if I were wearing a face mask... But that was the least of my problems.

I stood there for a second trying to process what happened while the kids began to grab supplies to burn the hub of the Mind Flayer. 

I ran past the unconscious Billy over to the knocked out Steve and kneeled down beside him, he had blood oozing out of both his nostrils, a busted lip and grazes all over his feverish face, there was a big cut on the upper right of his forehead and a smaller on the left of his chin. 

He looked terrible.

"Steve..?" I placed two fingers on his neck to check for a pulse.

I felt pumping. Thank God.

"Steve wake up..." You shook him by the shoulders as he still lay unresponsive as the kids stepped over Billy with backpacks and other equipment.

"I can only help you when you wake up... Steve?" You shook him again.

"Hello..? Steve?"

"Earth to Steve.." I said and glanced over to see one of the kids come through the front door. I looked up to see Max.

"C'mon we need to go help El." She said reaching her hand out to pull me up.

"And Steve..?"

"We leave him." Mike said firmly walking through the front door seconds later.

"No we don't!!" Dustin responded following Mike.

"Guys.. I can only help him when he's awake and God knows when that's gonna be.."

"No. He's going to freak out!" Mike argued back.

"Who CARES?!" Dustin yelled, 

"I DO!" Mike screamed, "Bring him and he's going to stop us ALL!!"

"Not if I'm there." You say, "He can join if he wants. But we will still go, with or without him."

"Guys you coming or what?" Lucas burst through the door.

"Alright. Whatever. But if Steve freaks out it's your fault." Mike poked Dustin then walked out to the car. Dustin rolled his eyes and walked over to the kitchen,

"Where are the bandaids??" Dustin asked searching through a cabinet.

"How would I know?" Max scoffed.

I walked over to the fridge remembering not to open the top door as Dustin was preserving a scientific discovery. I opened the bottom door and scurried through the frozen goods to find an ice pack, quickly enough I reached the living room to find Steve still lying there but surrounded by Lucas and Dustin placing bandaids on Steves two cuts.

"Okay now we need to get him to the car." Dustin mentioned as they finished.

"Give us a hand?" Lucas asked as Max entered the room with two gas cans in her hands, then placing them on the ground.

"Okay, I'll grab his hands and you grab his feet." I ordered as I placed the ice pack on the couch.

I lifted both his hands of the ground and Dustin grabbed Steves left leg and Lucas grabbed his right.

"Okay ready?" I asked.

"1..2..3!" Dustin counted down.

We all lifted him up with a groan.

I slowly huddled backwards through the open front door as the boys followed with the rest of Steves lifeless body. We reached Billy's blue car as Max opened the door for me. I began sliding him along the backseats of the car as Max made her was to the other side to pull Steve through.

Lost - Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now