-One Month Later-

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-one month later-

"Since the release of the incendiary tape, the once quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana, has spent time in a place it never expected. The national spotlight." The TV  reporter stated.

You know how life goes, Hawkins Lab finally closed down to my relief, also Jane's. I moved in together with Jane and Hopper our not so biological father but he was so much better than Papa. When we both got the news that we were officially under his care it put me at some sort of ease. Life was really getting better. Me and Jane were now the Hopper's. It was a shame that I couldn't see Steve everyday anymore, but at least he promised he would get a job with me so that we could always have our catch ups. 

Pretty cool right?

"Under mounting pressure, several high-ranking members from the US Department of Energy, have admitted involvement in the death and cover-up of Hawkins resident Barbara Holland, who died due to exposure to an experimental chemical asphyxiant, which had leaked from the grounds of the lab. We sent our own April Kline to Hawkins, to speak to residents, residents who told us they thought they lived in a safe town. The kind of town where, they say, nothing ever happens..."

We also attended Barbra Holland's funeral together as Nancy and Jonathon had invited us, it was heartbreaking to see Nancy so devastated as her best friend was now gone, but I knew a weight was lifted of her shoulders as Barbara's parents finally got some sort of coverage to what really happened to their daughter.

"Yeah. Yeah. Chemical Asphyxiant.." Steve copied watching the TV.

"People don't really believe that do they?" You asked innocently.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I think they do.."

"Well then why don't we tell people the truth?" 

"Because everyone will look at us like we're crazy, let them believe what they want.." Steve said.

"Let them believe what they want.." You murmured getting up to grab a glass of water, "Let them believe what they want?"


..But maybe he's right..?

-days later-

After the news, I finally had moved in with Hopper and Jane, unfortunately the place wasn't as spacious as Steve's mansion but I didn't mind though, it still had everything I needed except for my own room.

Sharing with Jane shouldn't be so bad? Right?

"Hey Dad?" You called from your room.

"Yeah?" He called back from the kitchen.

"Can I go with Steve to drop off Dustin at the Snow Ball?"

There was silence.

"Pleaseeee?" I whined.

"Fine. But be safe okay?" Hopper replied walking into the room.

"I will." You smiled walking over to your shared wardrobe with Jane, "Jane can come if she wants?" You asked looking through clothes to wear.

"No, no, I'm taking her." Hopper uttered.

"Why not?" You stopped.

"Because she is much younger than you and it's not safe for her to be out on her own at this time of day."

"It's dark?" You questioned.

"Exactly." He stated walking out.


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