house of memories | yeon hajun

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"promise me a place in your house of memories"

warning: major character death


"humans are quite amusing, aren't they?" hajun asked, slightly chuckling. "we're all just made up of broken pieces; made up of shattered glass fragments mixed and match in order to create a unique persona." he continued.

"at the same time it feels like humans are a brittle piece of glass, bound to break from an unforseen force; some only scratch the surface yet some break through the pane and send the whole scene crashing down, with sharp fragments piercing our skin, drawing blood until our veins run dry." hajun added.

"you've thought about this a lot." you commented.

"i can't help it." he shrugged. "this is the only place where im free to clear my mind."

"sometimes allen and anne are too noisy too, i can't really gather my thoughts." hajun spoke. "you know allen gave me another nickname?" he asked.

"really? what is it this time?" you replied.

"he calls me a super sadistic sly black-hearted prince" he whined which caused you to let out a little giggle.

"that reminds of a song one of ny friend likes," you brought up. "it goes something like «i've got a jet-black heart and there's a hurricane underneath it». i think it fits you perfectly." you stated, head bobbing up and down affirming your statement.

"you really think so?" he rolled his eyes. "i don't think i'm sadistic." he replied.

"we've been together for so many years now hajun, i know you." you deadpanned.

"on a serious note, i think you have a whole lot of love to give even though you don't show it." you added. "sometimes i think you care too much about everybody and that's why you end up hurt."

"what do you want me to say after that?" hajun asked, back to being his defensive self.

"i'm just stating what i observed." you countered.

"fine, and what if you're right?" he asked.

"then that shows how much of a good person you are." you responded.

"but i'm not." he muttered under his breath. "i gave everything up for revenge. i gave everything up to bring them down. my humility, my selflessness, my morals."

"i know you weren't always like this, love." you stated. "sometimes people hurt, they hurt over and over again. they hurt until they lose all feelings, they hurt until they seek to do things that would hurt them, they hurt and they hurt until they can feel something again. and you just want to feel something." you added.

"but i'm worthless as a person can be." hajun insisted. "it feels like i was the broken glass from the start who shattered into a thousand pieces and as time flies each fragments is forcibly taken away one by one until there's nothing left." he continued.

"how i wish i can hug you right now, maybe that way i can be your bind that would keep you from falling apart." you said.

"you know, i think of you from time to time... more than i thought i would. you're just too kind, you know?" he confessed.

"i'm glad, my love." you responded.

"haaaajun~ come out we know your thereeee~" hajun can alread hear anne's blaring voice from outside.

"we even brought organic foods for you!" he heard allen add.

"yes! we really miss hajun's cooking and beautiful face!!" anne shouted.

no matter how loud they got, hajun only sighed in response. hajun hugged the crypt inside the mausoleum closer to him and closed his eyes.

he refuses to leave your house of memories even if death shall befall him.

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