favorite place | miyama kei

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> in which kei goes on a much needed break.

* au where there is no such thing as phantometals and the world is normal lol


miyama kei wasn't new to the hubbub of the music industry, it was a pain in the neck but he couldn't help it, it was part of his job after all. after rising in fame as an idol, he made the decision to quit and continue working on music behind the scene- as a producer. today was the start of something special to kei, it was the first time he managed to squeeze in a vacation in his tight schedule to spend time with you, his significant other.

the week started off with the sun's rays blinding kei's eyes as he smelled a fresh batch of pancakes being cooked in the kitchen.

"good morning, kei." you smiled at him, sending a wave of fluttering butterflies straight into his stomach first thing in the morning.

"good morning, love." he greeted back.

"did you sleep well?" you asked.

"mm, it felt good to sleep in once in a while." he admits as he helped himself into the one of the seats on your kitchen bar.

"i'm glad you finally have time to rest, you deserve it." you sighed in content as you served two plates- one for you and one for kei.

"today's morning sounds so pleasant." he commented as the two of you started on brunch.

"really?" you asked. "but it's yet to start!" you exclaimed with a giggle which kei found to be one of the prettiest sound he's ever heard.

"do you have something planned?" kei asked, head tilting to the side ever so slightly- a trait you noticed he does when curious.

"that's something for me to know and for you to find out!" you said with a wink as you put your index finger near your mouth in a shushing motion. "anyways! i gotta get started with my last minute preparations- be a good loving fiance now and don't peek!" you hurriedly added as you turned your back to kei and locked yourself in his and your room.

kei couldn't do anything but silently laugh at your antics while washing the dishes, amusement dancing in his eyes.


to say the miyama kei was surprised would be an understatement. on the sunny noon of his first day on vacation, you came up on him all aladdin-like asking questions such as 'do you trust me?'. the next thing he knew after he nodded was that a blindfold has been placed on his eyes and you were leading him into his car. kei always had sensitive ears ever since he could remember, in this moment he used them as an advantage. by the sound of the car engine revving and the tires hitting the street, it was obvious that you were driving somewhere far- not to mention the bags moving around in the backseat of his car.

when you took off the blindfold on kei's eyes, he was greeted by the scene of witnessing the ocean touch the skies in an isolated beach. two separate shades of blue only being separated by the horizon, one going down to depths unreachable by humans and one going up to a place closer to the celestial bodies. the splashing of the waves brought kei a wave of tranquility that he only once imagined. maybe it really has been too long since he last took a break to stop and smell the roses- in this case, the waves of the ocean.

"go on, kei. you deserve this. i'll take care of everything else." you smiled at him. kei could only stare at you, questioning how did he get so lucky to be loved by someone like you?

"take a picture, it'll last longer." you winked as he laughed and shook his head,

"i'm so lucky to be loved by you." he confessed to which you answered with a kiss on his cheek.

you watched as kei took of his shoes and folded the hem of his pants upward to avoid getting them wet, with that he left you alone, his figure getting smaller and smaller in the distance. he lived and breathed music yet sometimes it can get to your head. you could see him getting exhausted by the second, bags under his eyes growing a millimeter larger than the last day- this was a break kei very much needed and you couldn't be happier that you're the one assisting him on this.

kei, on the other hand had his phone on him as he stood on the cool gushing waters by the shore of the beach. lately, it has become his hobby to take a picture of his surroundings, the towering skyscrapers of the busy part of town, the customer filled dining establishments of the entertainment district- just a little tidbits of his day. today was bound to be something a little more special than his quotidian events. with this thought in mind, he pointed up his phone camera to the sky and captured the exact moment when the sun started to set, where everything was golden in the face of the king of the day laying himself to rest. little did kei know, on the other side of the place, was his significant other, pointing a camera at him capturing him shielding his eyes away from the sun as the gusts of wind blow on his white polo- a scene to be frozen in time for you to keep as a memorabilia.


at the end of the week, there was only one location left. the mountains towered over everything else in existence except for the two of you who were on its peak. the billowing wind send shivers down your spine yet kei held you close to him as you took your time viewing the majestic scenery presented before you.

"it's so peaceful here." you said, to which kei looked at you and nodded,

"it's beautiful." he said, still staring at you to which you accidentally choked on air- masking it up with a cough as you felt your cheeks warm up in contrast to the gusts of wind headed your way.

"so, how's your vacation?" you asked him, trying to change topic.

"hmm... full of surprises?" he replied, trying to find the right words to summarize the past week.

"where's your favorite place?" you inquired as you scrolled through the countless pictures you've both taken- of you, of kei, and of all the beautiful places you've been.

as kei watched the pictures on the camera you were holding go by one by one, he wasn't able to choose a favorite place. not because he didn't like any of them- more like the opposite. he loved every location, and every photo.

it wasn't until later he realized why he couldn't choose just one. rather than loving the picture itself- he loved the person behind the picture. and as to what his favorite place was?

"you, you are my favorite place."

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