konbini boy | yatonokami kanata

474 17 3

> in which yatonokami kanata makes his first friend in you.

*requested by @/lottemjvcake, hope you like it! ^-^
* i hope he's not too out of character here (๑•﹏•)


to say that yatonokami kanata was wary of you would be a huge understatement. don't get him wrong, iori was still the priority when it comes to suspicious people but you appeared to be naive, like you wouldn't even dare hurt a fly yet there was something unnerving kanata about you somehow.

why the fuck would someone so.. well off in  life hang round kanata? there's gotta be some sort of ulterior motives right?

it was dawn when he first met you– the sun hiding behind clouds, painting the sky different shades of blue as roosters from all around the city called out into the morning, greeting everyone awake at this hour.

kanata had just finished another job given to him by iori. starving, he went to the only establishment opened in the vicinity, a convenience store. kanata felt guilty for depending on a convenience store which sells food for a higher price than what he would've preferred, but god damn it he was hungry. he had to told himself again and again that nayuta would be left alone if he'd let himself starve right then and there.

crap. this shitty convenience store sold nothing but crap. what the hell is up with these overpriced bread? they're not even that good– they're hard as rock! kanata could go on and complain all day as he munched on the dry bread, cheaping out on drinks (and regretting it) as he forced himself to swallow another bite of the pastry that could even possibly choke him to death.

heaving a sigh, kanata sat himself on an empty seat just outside of the convenience store as he grumpily munched on the bread he bought. the sun was rising fast, painting the pitch black sky of the night into a canvas of blues. buildings of various sizes  towered over the city, setting an incredible silhouette of the daybreak . it was bullshit, tons of establishments yet this is the only food selling one open? is it even worthy to be called a food place when their food is barely edible? kanata grumbled as he continued on munching the food which was fighting back.

kanata held back a laugh, isn't it ironic how a drawn line on a map could cause a significant separation of a place? this side of town had an actual economy, where people functioned properly in a society with roles to play and responsibilities to fulfill yet once he crosses the line he's back in the hell where he lived– in the slums where you can never be too safe.

"hey do you want a drink?"

'and get poisoned, no way in hell.' kanata thought. not a second later, his eyes narrowed.

"who are you?" kanata asked the person who was standing in front of him, cautiously and on guard.

"i don't even know who i am." you shrugged, a tight lipped smile greeted kanata as he looked at you– observing you up close. kanata noted that the the person in front of him had ___ colored hair and a pair of ___ eyes. they appeared to be harmless at first glance yet due to kanata's nature, he just couldn't be too assured.

'great, another person having a crisis.' kanata thought after observing you closely.

"so do you need a drink? their bread is pretty tough to eat without it." you asked yet again.

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