hiraeth | miyama kei

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» as visty's assistant manager, you weren't supposed to have favorites among the idols you manage yet kei miyama has always had your heart in his grasp, even after leaving visty.


as visty's assistant manager, you weren't supposed to have biases between the idols you manage but kei miyama has always managed to be your favorite. whether it was the small things like waiting for you while you tie your shoelaces or making coffee for you while you plan their week ahead, he's always been that person who was there for you.

so when kei, visty's unshakable center, left it felt as if all hell broke loose. suddenly the amount of shows, concerts, guestings, and programs dropped. their fan base dwindled, and the remaining members weren't the same.

today was one of those days where you catch yourself wondering what could've been if kei didn't leave. maybe it was because of today's events, you weren't too sure.

"hmm? ___, good morning." shogo greeted as he walked in on the kitchen where you were preparing breakfast.

"you're up early as always, shogo." you commented as you turned the rice cooker off, letting the steamed rice settle.

"that's visty's big brother for you." he joked, chuckling at his own statement while pulling out placemats and utensils as he started to set the table for five. while he was doing that, you started on the miso soup while heating the skillet on the other stove for the salmon to cook in.

"good good good morniiiiing!~" you heard toma exclaim as he walked into the dining room of the apartment complex you share with the rest of the group.

"what's for breakfast ___? it smells really really good!" he asked as he sat on his assigned seat at the dining table.

"just your typical breakfast. the rice is still in the rice cooker, feel free to serve yourself. i'm still finishing up on the soup and salmon." you replied as you flipped another fillet of salmon and added some seaweed and tofu into the miso soup.

"are kantaro and aoi up yet?" you asked to no one in particular. as if on cue, aoi showed up dragging kantaro.

"we're here, one of us overslept though." aoi spoke up. when you spared them a glance, aoi already had make up- just like toma did when he exited his room, while kantaro, on the other hand, still had bags under his eyes paired with bed hair while loudly yawning and grumbling incoherently. the scene made you laugh which kantaro unfortunately heard.

"hey! don't laugh at me! it's... it's not my fault our stellas wanted a q&a yesterday..." he grumbled then pouted.

"thats was the other day kantaro, you played games all night yesterday." you rebutted. to which he replied with even more incoherent grumbles of disapproval.

this would've been the part where kei would come down from his room, rubbing his eyes and yawning while greeting everyone good morning, bags under his eyes evident from pulling all nighters making music while still donning a smile and a polite attitude despite being deprived from a good night's rest.

all these reminiscing must be because of the event being held later today right?

"alright everyone! help yourselves to a plate, we'll start the briefing in a short while." you announced. not a minute later, everyone was seated with food on their plates, thanking you for the food before digging in.

"today's the paradox live event, i'm expecting everyone's aware of that." you started to which you received nods of agreement. "shogo will speak as visty's team leader and visty will perform [for my stella] just like what was rehearsed. after the event, you'll have to go live on insta. that's the duty for today, any concerns and objections?" you asked to which toma raised his hand.

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