Chapter 1: The Train

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September 1st, 1975

According to Lily Evans, James Potter had a big ego.

That is to say, she'd never be able to call him selfish, but his arrogance made it very clear how highly he thought of himself. "Confidence" was an understatement and James made it his business to let everyone be aware of that.

Now if Lily had to describe him in only a few words, she'd know exactly what comes to mind when she thinks of the James Fleamont Potter.

"James Potter is a massive prick and should shove his wand up his―"

A gasp. "Lily!" rang the voice of Marlene McKinnon, an amused look of shock spreading on her face.

"What?" Lily responded. "You say the same thing about Sirius Black, but I can't?"

"When I say the same things about Sirius Black, I'm kidding," Marlene shrugged, "mostly."

"Besides, aren't you friends with that Lupin fellow? The one Vance was totally head over heels for last year?" Mary commented.

"What's your point?" Lily asked.

"I think her point is that he's friends with Potter," Marlene replied.

"Well―" Lily began but was unable to finish her sentence with the judgemental eyes of her friends on her. "I need some air."

"We're on a train, Lils, you're not going to get any fresh air for the next, like, four hours," Marlene remarked.

"Well then, I just need to get away from you two for a while. I have to see Severus anyway," Lily said, getting out of her seat to stand outside the compartment door.

"Right," Mary nodded. "Have fun with your boyfriend then."

"He's not my―"

Then Marlene slid the door shut.


"You alright, mate?"

James Potter asked, his hand picking out a jellybean from a packet of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans that Peter was holding.

"I'm fine," responded Remus, his eyes heavy and dull. "Just didn't sleep much."

"It's not that time of the month already, is it?" Sirius joked.

"Jesus, Sirius, you act as if I'm menstruating," Remus replied, clearly not as amused as the boy next to him.

Suddenly a knock at the compartment door came and the figure of a boy appeared. James slid the door open as Sirius groaned at the sight of the boy.

"Pleased to see you too, brother," Regulus Black said, as irritated as Sirius.

"Why must you bother me when I'm with my friends?" the older boy asked.

"I just wanted to let you know that before we boarded the train, Mother asked me to keep an eye on you since Narcissa isn't attending school this year," Regulus replied flatly.

"I don't need my younger brother to babysit me, thank you."

"You didn't let me finish," Regulus sighed. "I was just going to tell you that I won't be looking after you like I'm instructed to. You're your own person and if you fuck up like you always do, that's on you."

Sirius put his hands up in defeat with a sarcastic smile as Regulus left his place in the doorway.

"God, do you posh folk always speak as if you're living in the 18th century?" Remus groaned.

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