Chapter 6: The Full Moon

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September 18th, 1975


James started sitting down and hitting his hands against his knees, "the full moon's Saturday night."

"Yup," Remus nodded, not taking his eyes off his copy of The Picture Of Dorian Gray. "What about it?"

"Well, y'know, this moon's special," Peter said.

Remus finally took his gaze off his book and squinted his eyes at the boys. "What makes it so?" he asked.

"Oh come on, Moony, you know exactly what we're talking about," Sirius replied, rolling his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I haven't the faintest idea," Remus said as he furrowed his brow and frowned teasingly.

"Shut up, Moons, you know that this is the first full moon that we'll be joining you," James sighed.

"Oh, that," Remus tutted. "I was hoping you'd forgotten about that."

"Well, we're not going to have forgotten having to keep a bloody mandrake leaf in our mouths for a full month, are we now?" Sirius responded in annoyance.

"Only in my dreams," Remus sighed.

"Oh, don't be like that, Moony," James breathed out in a short laugh, patting his friend's knee. "It's gonna be fine."
"You don't know that."

"But we know you'd never hurt us," Peter replied.

"No, you don't! You've never seen what I can do to something or someone," Remus argued.

"But Moony―" Sirius started but was cut off.

"No but Moony. It's not happening, alright? I'm not going to risk it. End of discussion, don't ask again," Remus ordered.



"Hey, Moony,"

Sirius greeted his friend who was lying awake in his bed while the other two boys slept.

"Padfoot, nothing you say is going to make me change my mind, now fuck off, will you?" Remus snarled.

"No, no, I didn't... I just, er... d'you want a fag, or something?" Sirius asked.

"Not in the dorm or James will murder us when he wakes up at the bloody peak of dawn," Remus laughed.

"Right, right," Sirius nodded. "Common room then?"

"Probably not the best idea either," Remus replied.

"Astronomy tower?"

"It's pretty far, plus it's risky with the amount of professors around at night. We could get caught" Remus explained.

"You're a prefect now though," Sirius reminded him.

"My patrol shift isn't today, so I can still get caught."

"You can just say you mixed up the dates," Sirius suggested.

"Even if that works, you would still get caught. Have you forgotten that you aren't a prefect?"

"I know I'm not a prefect, but one of our roommates does have an invisibility cloak," Sirius grinned.

"I'm not waking him up just to ask him to borrow his cloak, Padfoot."

"I know where he keeps it, therefore we wouldn't have to wake him up. C'mon, Moony, it'll be fun."

"Fine, but I'll look the other way so I'm not blamed if he ever realises we took it," Remus agreed, turning his back while Sirius quietly slid under James' bed, grabbing a small box with a lock keeping it shut.

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