Chapter 2: The Start of 5th Year

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Remus watched entertained as Sirius practically pranced into their dormitory for the first time since June. Remus' amusement flickered into sadness for a split second as he remembered why he was so eager to get back to his life at Hogwarts, but it was immediately disrupted by his interest in Sirius' trunk; more specifically, the pack of cigarettes he'd hidden under a pile of socks that he was rummaging through.

"Sirius Black, everyone," Remus chuckled. "He gets back to Hogwarts and the first thing he does is smoke."

"Do you know how awful it is to sit through Dumbledore's welcome speeches?" Sirius replied.

"I do, Sirius, I sit through them all as well."

"Well, then―" Peter walked in as Sirius spoke. "―you can't judge me." He playfully rolled his eyes, pulling out a cigarette from the rectangular package. Remus grabbed his lighter from his pocket and tossed it to Sirius.

"D'you think the incendio charm would light one of these?" Sirius asked, handing a cigarette to Remus and Peter as he placed his own cigarette between his pursed lips and pulled up the lighter to light it.

"I mean, probably, but doesn't it feel much more authentic to use a muggle lighter?" Remus responded, taking the smoke from Sirius.

James waltzed into the dorm, quickly regretting his decision.

"Oi! If you're going to smoke, don't do it in the dorm, it makes everything smell awful," James ordered his friends in disapproval.

"Fine, we'll just make the common room smell like it instead," Sirius said, smirking.

Sirius then grabbed onto Remu's arm and dragged him out the door before Remus had the chance to say anything. Peter trailed behind them.

James shoved his trunk under his bed, admiring the etching in his bedpost that he started in his first year. He'd taken a muggle pocket knife that his father had given him and carved a couple of smiley faces into it and he'd been adding on ever since.

Now it was covered in a plethora of doodles that he'd scratched into the wood. He couldn't help but smile at the word marauders that he'd written in third year. He took the small knife that had been resting in the pocket of his trousers and carved a heart into the most hidden part. Godric knows that if any of the boys saw him etching a small design that faintly resembled a heart into his bedpost, he'd never live it down. He put the knife back into his pocket and dropped onto his bed. He placed a hand on his chest and closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the return to his second home. He thought about his parents. As much as he loved Hogwarts, if he were totally honest, he hated leaving his parents. And even worse, he hated the fact that Sirius enjoyed leaving his behind so much. He took a deep breath and jumped back to his feet off his bed and walked out of the dorm to reunite with his friends. He may have hated the smell of tobacco but he hated being alone even more.


The Gryffindor girls' dorm was filled with giggling and gossip and Alice Fortescue's love life was the current topic.

"You totally fancy Frank Longbottom!" Marlene teased Alice.

"I do not!" Alice defended herself.

"Alice is going out with a sixth year now?" Lily asked.

"We're not going out!" Alice practically shouted, shoving her face in her pillow.

"But you think he's fit, no?" Mary asked.

"Well..." Alice started. "I'm done talking about this!"

"Aha! She so does!" Marlene cheered.

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