Chapter 7: Revenge Planning and Book Talk

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September 22nd, 1975

Dorcas paced back and forth around the Slytherin girls' dorm room, squeezing her fists shut in anger and muttering to herself every little while.

"I need your help," she said, finally stopping.

"This better be worth my time," Emma Vanity sighed, looking up from her book.

"I need to get back at McKinnon for her little prank she pulled the other day," Dorcas explained.

"And why would I help you with that?" Emma breathed out in a small laugh.

"Because you're my friend?"

"Roommate," Emma corrected, putting her book down beside her. "Look, Meadowes, if you want me to help, you'll need to do something for me."

Dorcas laughed uncomfortably. "Like what?"

"Resign as quidditch captain."

"Are you mental? Absolutely not."

"Then you'll have to ask someone else to help you," Emma said with a shrug.

"Come on, Vanity, it's just some stupid revenge prank, not a life or death situation I'm putting you in. Even if I did resign, how are you sure you'd be my replacement as captain?"

"Do you think I wouldn't be?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow at Dorcas.

"Whatever, I'll go ask Talkalot instead."

"Please, Meadowes, don't be daft. We both know she's going to ask for the same thing. She and Potter have some quidditch rivalry and she'd do anything to be better than him. Her being captain of the Slytherin team would just make her brag about it all the time to him," Emma said, picking her book back up.

Suddenly, Dorcas got an idea and got up to place a kiss on Emma's cheek, earning her an angry shriek.

"Sorry, Vanity," she said, "but you're a bloody genius."

Dorcas quickly left the room to find Lucinda, leaving Emma confused and alone in their dorm.


"Oi, Talkalot!" Dorcas got the attention of the blonde girl who was sitting on the Slytherin common room couch.

"What, Meadowes?" Lucinda replied, turning her head to face Dorcas.

"I need your help with something," Dorcas said.

"Why d'you need my help? Did Vanity turn you down? 'Cause if she did, I'm sure your Ravenclaw friend Heartley'd be thrilled to help you out," Lucinda responded, rolling her eyes.

"Pandora's not right for this," Dorcas said.

"Must be really bad then," Lucinda laughed. "Go on then."

"I need help getting revenge on Marlene McKinnon." Lucinda cocked an eyebrow at Dorcas. "You know, one of the Gryffindor chasers."

"I know who McKinnon is, I'm not stupid," Lucinda said.

"Right. Anyway, I need to get back at her for this natsy prank she pulled on me and a couple others a few days ago."

Lucinda crossed her arms and furrowed her brow. "And why do you think I'd be willing to help you if she hasn't done anything to me?"

"Because I wouldn't be surprised if Potter helped her with it," Dorcas explained.

Lucinda was suddenly interested in helping her. "I really hate him."

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