Chapter 5: The Slug Club

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September 8th, 1975

Monday rolled around again, and James and Sirius sat next to each other in Transfiguration class, much to the displeasure of Professor McGonagall. Remus sat next to Lily one table up diagonally, and Peter sat next to Marlene, to whom he was talking about his strategies in wizard chess.

"Today, students," Professor McGonagall started, "we will be..." She stopped, seeing that Peter was still speaking to Marlene. "Mr Pettigrew, I advise you to talk to your friends when I am not giving a lesson. One point from Gryffindor, and if I catch you again, it will be five."

Peter shut up immediately, his face turning a shade of crimson. McGonagall continued, "Today we will be starting Vanishing Spells. They are easier than Conjuring spells, which you will not usually do until N.E.W.T. level, but they are still some of the most difficult magic you will come across in your O.W.L...."

James was hardly focused the entire class. He couldn't stop staring at Lily. Was Remus right about him fancying her? No, he couldn't have been. Who in their right mind would fall for someone who wanted nothing to do with them? Then again, his feelings weren't within his control. He was so torn on how to feel about her that it practically drove him mad.

As McGonagall was explaining all the ways that the spell could go wrong, Sirius nudged him and passed him a note that had been folded in two. James unfolded it and read,

I wish I could use a vanishing spell on myself. Maybe it'd get me out of this boring shithole.

James snorted and McGonagall noticed immediately.

"Mr Potter, what is so funny?"

James swallowed hard. "Er, nothing, Professor."

"It would be best not to disrupt my class again Mr Potter," she replied, narrowing her eyes at the boy and then returning back to her teaching.

James paid attention for the remainder of the class.


"I swear she has it out for me!"

Peter groaned, taking a bite of his potatoes.

"You're overreacting, mate," James replied, scribbling something down on a spare bit of parchment.

"Did you not see what happened in class today? She took points from me and not you even though we were practically doing the same thing," Peter said. "Maybe it's my fault for not being as good at transfiguration as you."

"C'mon, Pete, we've had worse," James said, nudging the boy's shoulder with his arm. "Besides, you're great at plenty of things!"

"Did you forget that you got an O in History of Magic last year?" Sirius asked.

"History of Magic's an easy class," Peter claimed.

"Then tell me why Sirius got a P in that class?" James asked, turning to face Sirius with raised eyebrows.

"It's not my fault I have a shit memory!" Sirius interjected.

James ignored him and turned back to Peter. "And," he started, bringing his voice down to a whisper in case other students were listening in, "you were the one who actually did research on Remus'... condition."

"I mean, I personally thought of that as basic respect, getting to know what goes on, but I guess not everyone thought that," Peter laughed.

"What I'm saying, Peter, is that McGonagall doesn't have it out for you."

"I still don't believe you."

"You're being annoying now so we're dropping this," James said, going back to picking at his food. "Right, Sirius?"

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