The Christmas Party - 25/12/1993

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––––––––––AT BRYAN'S––––––––––


Bryan's mom, aunts and grandma in the kitchen, cooking

Bryan's cousins running around

Bryan's dad and uncles sits around coffee table

Loud chatter and laughing

Bryan in his bedroom with 2 cousins

They solve Rubik's cubes

COUSIN 1: Geez, dude

COUSIN 1: You've got wayyy too many stuff in your room

COUSIN 2: Yeah, man!

BRYAN: Really?

BRYAN: I don't think so

COUSIN 1: My bedroom's bare empty

BRYAN: Oh you should see my friend Ned's bedroom

BRYAN: He doesn't even have a bed

BRYAN: He sleeps on a mat

COUSIN 2: How was the Breeder's concert?

BRYAN: Oh it was amazing

BRYAN: Except for the fact that

BRYAN: Carlos peed his pants when it was our turn to meet the Breeders

COUSIN 1: Seriously??


BRYAN: I lost my voice so I couldn't laugh at him at the time

Knock knock

BRYAN: The doors open

Gavin comes in

Everyone looks up at Gavin


Bryan stands up

Bryan and Gavin pats each other's backs


COUSINS 1 and 2: Hi

BRYAN: Merry Christmas, bro

GAVIN: You too, man!

BRYAN: Come join us!

Gavin sits down

GAVIN: What are you guys doing?

BRYAN: Seeing who can solve their Rubik's cube first

COUSIN 2: And talking

BRYAN: Mostly talking

BRYAN: Do you want one?

GAVIN: Nah, I'm good

GAVIN: So um

GAVIN: Is Ned not here yet?

BRYAN: He's not coming

GAVIN: I thought his mom said he was?

BRYAN: They probably changed their minds

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