(Beta)Paragraph two

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"Aw hel," Joey cursed " Should we bother fixing it, or do we use its scraps for ammo?" She turned to her peers who were still huddled except for Lilo who didn't want to look "gay" hugging another man. " Hei, you need to huddle for warmth," Joey said sternly to Lilo. "Hell no, I only huddle with the boys.." "Oh Mein Gott, who the hel cares if it looks gay? Now go hug him before you die of hypothermia, I'll join yall in a second..". A timid-looking girl cocked her head to the side with a brow raised " Why do you talk weird?" The girl would ask immediately looking down in embarrassment after hearing the other man snicker. " What do you mean?" Joey asked not bothering to look at Lacey. " You sound like you wanna speak German, then you sound like your Latin America-" Lilo interrupted " Like a border hopper-" Joey tried to hold in a snicker but failed so it sounded like a dog having an asthma attack.

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