And So it Starts..

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"It is 2035, and Southern and Eastern Europe is a

mess. Scandinavia's too close to

the action ever since Sweden and Finland joined

NATO, The lakes are frozen over

for the month and power went out nationwide..."

Said the voice coming from an old WW2

Radio. "The Rus' already dumped most of this..gas

on the Finns which was airborne.

It seems like they haven't learned their lesson from

the Winter War if they think that'll stop them."

The voice sighed shakily, it was cold as it was about

13.2 C and the heaters are busted so

Everyone in the lodge had to huddle around the

fireplace with their bear fur blankets. " If

anyone can hear this at all please get contact from

the rest of the world, Europe's no help,

the EU's falling apart and this signal can't even be

sent past the Faroe Islands so I don't even

know why I mentioned the rest of the world but."She

would stutter. "Hel, get some of them

Northern Irishmen he-" The vintage radio suddenly

combusted to flames, causing panic

among the small group, Joey would quickly put out

the fire with a bit of the rainwater she

stored in a silver bucket.

"Aw hell," Joey cursed " Should we bother fixing it,

or do we use its scraps for ammo?"

She turned to her peers who were still huddled

except for Lilo who didn't want to look "gay" hugging another man.

" Hei, you need to huddle for warmth," Joey said

sternly to Lilo. "Hell no, I only huddle with the

boys.." "Oh Mein Gott, who the hel cares if it looks

gay? Now go hug him before you die of

hypothermia, I'll join yall in a second..".

A timid-looking girl cocked her head to the side with

a brow raised " Why do you talk weird?" The

the girl would ask immediately looking down in

embarrassment after hearing the other man snicker.

" What do you mean?" Joey asked not bothering to

look at Lacey. " You sound European but you

also sound like you're from Latin America-" Lilo

interrupted " Like a border hopper." Joey simply

rolled her eyes at his interesting humor.  " Err yeah

and then you sound like you're from the South

like, from Texas or Louisiana... I don't want to seem

rude but like... What are you?" She asked.

"Uh... it's complicated," Joey said " It's all good we

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