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" Err yeah and then you sound like you're from the South like, from Texas or Louisiana... I don't wanna seem rude but like.. What are you?" She asked. "Uh.. it's complicated," Joey said " It's all good we got time" Lilo said "Ja, we have a lot of time," Said Rü. Joey sighed " Fine I'll spill, I was born on a brand new native reserve in Mexico for the Nahuatl people, which are descendants of Aztecs and yada yada. Then I stepped out of the place without anyone knowing them some rich Norski tourist looked at me dead-arse in the eyes and went 'yoink! And now I'm here with you lot." The rest nodded but Lilo would blurt out "Ew you used a Bri'ish term" He put a lot of emphasis in not using the letter T in the word British. " Oh ja that's because the English spoken here is UK English although sometimes I use American English." She was interrupted by a loud thumping on the downstairs floor and Lacey hid under the covers while Lilo and Ru grabbed their rifles from the gun safe, cocking it while getting up and walking down the stairs while Joey put her arm around the scared girl. " What the hell could be knocking at this time?" She asked herself quietly. The two boys or rather almost men would aim their guns at the door while one carefully opened the door only for it to be shut by a large body that tried to ram into it.

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