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Upon seeing this zombie deer she lept back " Christ, does that thing have rabies? It looks so miserable... I wonder if it's safe to cook." Ru stared at her in disbelief and confusion "Why would you want to eat it that's disgusting." Joey simply shrugged and pulled out her bowie knife avoiding its weak attempts to nip ner, and sliced its throat finally putting an end to its misery and poking at its exposed ribs. "Verdammt.. Its meat is no good, how bout we just try to go fishing?" She turned to Ru and Lilo who contemplated for a bit. Lilo spoke up "Sure I'll get the saw and the stuff." Joey put on her thick coat and proceeded to drag the undead-dead buck away from their shelter and struggled before successfully dumping it in a forest. She turned to see the rest walking out to the frozen lake so she followed. Lacey was wearing two coats since she wasn't used to the cold and she held onto Lilo most of the time for extra warmth. She handed Joey a fishing pole and Joey gently tapped Lacey's head with the pole.

They all would tap the thick ice to see if there were any weak points they could saw/cut through and after about seven minutes of searching, they hit the ice with the end of the pole and sawed through it making a horrible circle. Lacey dug around the tin box for some bait. They were out of bait. "Aw no, we're out of bait... What do we use now?" She'd ask. "I dunno. What about that deer meat? If it's no good for us maybe it'll work for the fish.." Lilo suggested while Joey already started heading to the deer carcass. "Hei can I get some help over here?" Joey would shout. Ru ran along to help and then grabbed the deer with her.

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