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        She ran until she didn't recognize where she was

anymore so she stopped then fell to her

knees, bawling her eyes out for being so meek and

weak compared to the rest. It took her about 15

minutes before finally getting to a stable point to

where she can stand up and look around. She

Looked around to see where she ran off to and was

surrounded by white trees and eerie signs that

would say "No man shall enter alive" or " Any man to

step foot will be shot on sight" and

" Women, leave your life and start anew". Lacey

shuddered at the thought of what else these

savages would do to her friends if they ever

accidentally stumbled across this place. She slowly

Backed away only to bump into someone behind her.

Hitching her breath she quickly turned to

see a handsome woman with long braided orange-

reddish hair, pale ivory skin with . Before she

could scream the woman picked her up and took her

inside a forest despite Lacey's protests and

screams for help. The woman simply shushed her

and slung her over her shoulder much to the girls

dismay. She looked around frantically trying to scan

the area to see if there's anyway for her to

Escape but by the time she tried to figure anything

out they were already at their destination

So Lacey gave up and went limp to see if her

deadweight would deter the strong woman. It did not.

The woman set her down with other girls much

younger than her and began to speak to the other

women, they ranged from adolescent to the elderly.

The women murmured to each other while

occasionally looking at Lacey, making her even more

scared than she already was. The other girls

Looked at her and tugged on her clothes speaking to

each other in Old Norse, a language no one in

their friend group understood with the exception of

Joey. Of course it was Joey who would know this.

    She just hugged her legs and buried her face in her

knees, praying for this to be over with.

The other girls murmured while the ginormous

woman picked her up again and set her

down on an old tree stump and handed her a hand

carved bowl of a type of broth. Not

wanting to be rude to the strangers gesture she

shakily took the bowl and raised it above her

head before taking a sip, a silent way of thanks. She

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