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With my eyes half closed , I can hear the sirens of the ambulance . I can't feel my left hand, a tremendous pain is surging over through my right shoulder to head, seems like it's broken. My legs are numb as I tried to move them, there is someone holding something on my forehead, a thick liquid is tricking down from my forehead to ear, my hair seems wet in that fluid. It hurts everywhere, from my head to toe. This physical pain is overwhelming all my senses. I wasn't drunken driving, I was pretty awake but this situation was a given because when a heavy loaded massive truck knock down a small car in full force... Ha..., I must say I have a long life line drawn in my hand. When I was taken to the ambulance I heard that the truck had a break failure and the driver was spot dead. In that case I'm lucky to be still breathing right now. Though I am getting a vague idea that I might have broken several number of ribs, but as laying down in an ambulance, I feel like laughing towards my own life. I don't feel the need to get bette!!! It's strange, isn't it??? With the passing street lights one by one, I could also see my 18 year's lifetime memories passing in front of my eyes like a film tape. With the dimmed ambulance lights, my heavy eyelids were pleading to be closed. A vivid picture from my childhood is coming in my mind right now where I had a ear to ear smile on my face, I had a freebie in my hand, my brother was holding me from the back and my parents were on the swing in our garden, smiling at us.
I was happy in that memory.

To start with an introduction, I am Angelina Steve, a girl born in the 21st Century's busiest City Rosemonry of Cadelia Country. It is a small but beautiful country on it's own. The Country's name came from the River Caecadel, means prosperity, which is the largest river of our country. Likewise the name it is a very modern and high technologically boosted country. Out of 5, 3 biggest conglomerates are from our country. One of those 3 is from our family, "THE STEVE'S". Our family business is running in a 7th generation lineage right now, soon it's going to be the 8th generation when my brother will take over. Now to raise a question!??? Why my brother and not me!??? Or not both!??? Right!! There is gender equality in everywhere so I should also get a chance to run our family business!!!

It wasn't like they don't wanted that, my parents and my brother always wanted me join these economical self welfare system...BUT...
I don't want to.... Because nothing could be more cruel than a business. It took away my childhood from me.
I've always been like a free spirit, never wanted to stop myself from doing what I love. I like singing and playing piano in my leisure time,I like to draw and read fantasy storybooks during the starry nights under the open and vast sky. Reading them make me believe that one day obviously some prince will come in my life as well and I will find my true love. But moreover, I have a great knack for historical love stories The historical king and queens, their lifestyles, fashion, accesories, everything. For this passion I have traveled a lot of those historic places just to see it with my own eyes. These stories are far better than reality. But my reality also has a cute little thing and that is... My fluffy. Fluffy is my baby snowy cat. Her fur is like a muslin cloth, her big and round cat eyes will definitely make you fall in love with her. She loves me very much and I also have only her around me as a friend.

From the very childhood I never had any lack for materialistic pleasures. Whatever I wanted I got that within my palms in least times. Any kind of dresses, shoes, bags, accessories, and many more. I just had to name it and within a day it would be in front of me. My parents are quite attentive regarding this matter. I can remember that one time, when I asked for a vintage piano, 'MARIA'S LOVE' which was only auctioned three times during the whole century. I wished it casually. But my father bought it for me giving a three double price to the last owner. He presented it on my birthday as a gift in just 7 days. That day, I came to start hating business. I despised it with all my heart. I can still remember the scene back then. My home was... not home, that soulless stone mansion where I live was lit with all kind of sparkling lights. I was wearing a birthday gown, Roger and Rain was waiting in the hall holding a cake in hand. As I came down the stairs, Roger went to lift the curtain from that vintage piano I wished to have. 'MARIA'S LOVE' was in front of me but my heart was sinking in a loveless trench in that instance. All my excitement fells like foolish hopes that wounded me very deeply.

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