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The night got more darken with the sound of the crickets and frogs by the lake. It felt like the moon goddess was the only witness of our conversation. We both were silent for some moment after the last two words I said. I said that without thinking much but my heart could not stop beating loudly and that was making me nervous as I was afraid, he will hear it.
But he suddenly stood up and said,
"Let's return to the palace.'" As soon as he said that he started walking back towards the palace.
I was stupefied!!!
'What the hell just happened!!! As soon as I told him that I will give him a second chance... he started acting cold again!!!! Am I a joke to him!!! What does he think of himself!!!' my inner voice was speaking because I was staring at his back with rage in my eyes.
I was fuming in anger.
'What a rude jerk he is!!! Is there a switch on him to behave like warm in a moment and turning an iceberg in the next second!!!
Fine I'll also show you I am not an easy person whom you can toss around however and whenever you want! Hmph!!!
Oh right! There is his robe that I am wearing!!! I need to give it back!!! But I don't want to talk to him right now. It'll piss me off to the very extent. So, better I will give it to his royal body guard. Ok!!! Let's do that. Just see you damn king I'll not talk to you until you apologize to me!!! It's Angelina's Promise. '

When I started walking, he was already in front of the garden's entrance. So, I walked faster. The path seems to be doubled as I was walking by myself right now. But it's fine! Having my own self-respect and pride is a mandatory deed. So, I went up to the gate and in front of him I hand over his robe to his royal guard.
"You can keep it, it's still co...." as I was giving the robe back, he tried to stop me but before he could finish, I interrupted,
"No thank you Your Majesty, I am already very contented with your warm treatment just now in the garden." I intentionally pinched him with my words because I felt irritated. But what is that!!!
Under the yellow light of the entrance, I saw his ears turned to red like he was blushing. As I started to walk towards my room, he was still looking my way with an oddly happy expression on his face.

After coming back to my chamber, only one thing passed my mind.......
"Is he stupid!!!" I uttered without realization.
"Her Majesty should contain her thoughts within herself." Rain said while looking at me.
As I looked at her, she was piercing me with her eyes. Only then I realized my thoughts were too loud! 'But what can I do!!! How can someone blush when I am trying to make him realize his mistake!!!'
Albert's crying brought me back to the reality. I saw a maid who just entered my room was looking like a ghost, exhausted from Albert's nagging and crying. And on her hands my little Albert was crying rivers.
"Why is he crying?" I asked while walking towards her. I picked him from her hands and embraced him tightly in my two arms.
"I-I am sorry Your Majesty, the little prince... h-he was crying for a while now...... bu-but I already fed him...." She did not even get to finish her sentence as Albert had already stopped crying after coming to me.
"You can go now. My Albert will be sleeping with his mother today." I told Rain to dim the lights and close the door when she leaves the room.

I went to my bed with Albert in my arms. He stopped crying in an instance after coming to me. Pulling the long white and silky curtains around the bed Rain left the chamber and I heard the closing sound of the door.
I placed Albert in my lap and stroked his fluffy hair slowly. He giggled in reaction. His long eyelashes were bating against his skin fluttering like flower petals.
"Do you like it my little prince? Huh? You like mama stroking your hair? But what about tickling your tummy!!!" as I said that I tickled him in his stomach while laughing at his reaction. His laughter lit up my mood very quickly vanishing the previous grumpiness. I kissed him on his forehead and started to stroke his hair again. He was still flapping his big eyelashes but he seemed sleepy so I put him on the bed and continued to stroke his head. Albert got really beautiful eyes and those eyes were exactly like his...... those two ocean blue pupils and that deep stare. But Albert is much better than that rude person. He did not even apologize for how coldly he behaved in the garden.
"Albert, close your eyes.... Mama will help you sleep. You are a good boy, unlike your father, right???!!! And good boys go to sleep early. So fast close your eyes!!!!" As I said that he grabbed on my one finger with his whole hand and gradually closed his eyes. In a few minutes he was drifted to sleep.
When he seems to be in deep sleep, I covered every side of his little boundary with pillow. As I was also very tired from all these dinner and morning lessons, I lean on the pillow as well and in no time, sleep came to me usually.

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