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My shocking reaction seemed to startle Rain as well. She said in a panicked voice "Your majesty!!! You should not behave like that. It's an honor to become the first queen mother. Each person in this whole country is very happy while receiving the news of the new prince. Your such reaction will make commotion in between them. You should restrain your act."
Whatever Rain said I could not catch any of those because the word mother was ringing in my ears. 'MOTHER' such a great word, but for me, I really never felt I had one. She was so busy with managing the company that she could never bought time for me. Except for carrying me during those 9 months till my birth, I never had any physical contact with her in my whole 18 years of life. So, this 'MOTHER' word always gives me chills. Then how come I can manage to become one?

I, who never knew about motherly love, how could I show my affection as one then? These questions were going round and round in my head and I was fully absorbed in my thoughts. I regained my senses back when Rain started shaking me. "Your majesty???" Rain was looking at me with her eyes full of worries. I somehow get myself together and said, "I really don't understand what you are talking about. First of all, tell me where I am exactly. And what is this place??? A palace?? Where? When? And how did I come here? And why you are also here with me???"

Hearing all my questions and looking at my confused look Rain poured water into a glass and extended it towards me saying "drink it and don't panic, I'll tell you everything you need to know." I grabbed the glass in my right hand and gulped it down. Rain continued her story again.
"This is the Sixteenth Year of Solar Star Calendar. You are currently the First Queen of the Third Generation Ruler of Solar Empire, Aelius Louis Heliandres. Your name currently is Angelina Luna Heliandres. Your Family name was Luna and you kept it after marriage as well. You were the princess of The Lunar Empire. You got married to our emperor three years ago and recently gave birth to the prince. It is true that you died on that car accident in your past life and reincarnated about thousands of years back in the history."

I was not in a position to say anything. But a lot of questions were still stirring my brain upside down. I couldn't understand why it was happening to me so I asked her what was in my heart, "But why me?" Rain seemed to be looking at me with pity in her eyes. She said, "That is your fate. It seems the god of love Valentino still doesn't want to look at you. The actual Angelina Luna was a very loving person. She was the one and only daughter of the Emperor Ehann and Empress Elara. She got all the love of her parents and her brothers. She was the youngest one among her siblings. With a very bright and angelic appearance she was the Jewel of her Parent's Eyes. Because of her tender heart and kind nature all the people in her country loved her dearly so, she never had to seek for love. But the one and only mistake of her life was falling for the wrong person. Our Emperor Aelius is a great warrior. Like his name he is the blazing sun of our country. It is said that he can kill thousands of enemies in the battlefield single handedly, so the people in our country hails him as the reincarnation of the God of Sun. Once when the Lunar Empire was under a secret attack by the Mosems, our neighboring country which is infamous for practicing Witchcraft; the 2nd eldest son of the Emperor Ehaan, Prince Linus was in our country for a visit on that time. As soon as he got the news of his country, he seeked his majesty's help to cope with this situation. As his majesty was the childhood friend of Prince Linus, he helped them to get over this crisis without delaying. The Mosems tried to kidnap Princess Angelina but they never succeed because our majesty Aelius reached there on time and saved her from the grasp of Mosems.
Princess Angelina met with Crown Prince Aelius when she was abducted so, for her Crown Prince was her savior. She fell in love with him at that very moment when he was fighting with those Mosems for her. So, after her country regained peace, she wished to marry Prince Aelius and wanted to serve him until her last breath. But she never imagined her life will come to the end this soon.

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