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Killing at twenty years old wasn't something that was going to go on Emmy's college admission that's for sure, but right now she only cared about taking Harrow and Ammit down and finding her brother.

Due to her phobia of heights she made Layla drop her off near the center of Cario instead of the building of a home, she grunt her teeth punching a man's jaw watching him to his knees, she took that an opportunity to reach back for her spear inpaling it straight into his chest.

"Layla?" Marc Spector rose from the ground watching his wife standing before him, reaching forward towards her embracing her into his arms. "Oh, baby. Thank god you're okay."

"How did you get back?" Layla asked him gawking down at his suit, hands laying flat on his shoulders.

"Where's Emmy? Is she okay? What happened to her?" Marc head was filled with questions scanning around the area not finding a single trace of Emmy.

"She's okay, she's with me, but we got separated." Layla tells him, calming down all his worries. Just as she said that, Emmy had rounded up the corner finding Marc and Layla.

"Marc!" Emmy grin widen finding her brothers eyes quickly running straight into his arms, Marc hands cupped the back of her head keeping her close, Emmy eyes closed enjoying his warmth.

"Gosh, em, you have no idea how glad I am to see you right now." Marc mentions pulling back away from the hug. "Emmy you look incredible." His voice was no longer American but British.

Steven Grant patted her head turning to his right at Layla observing her clothing. "Wow, you look amazing. What are you wearing?"

Before Layla could answer they turned their attention to Harrow who rose from the knock out Layla had given him. "Hey, I'm really jazzed about showing you these new skill sets we have."

"All right, show me what you got." Layla nudges her head towards the army of Harrow's men.

"Yeah?" Steven cocked his head as the white mask appeared and he and Layla both ran forward but Emmy stood her ground bringing out her bow and reaching back for an arrow.

She closing one eye aiming it towards the man standing behind Harrow, releasing the arrow watching as it thrust straight into his chest.

"Got 'em." Emmy tossed away her bow and arrows onto the ground instead having to use the sliver spear, she lift the spear using the bottom of it to hit the man across the face before kicking him in the face as he dropped to his knees.

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