Chapter Thirty One

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Elora awoke to the smell of fresh coffee. It didn't take her long to realise she had fallen asleep beside Lex last night. In his bed.

Oh god.

Don't make this weird Elora.

Lex sat on the edge of the bed closest to her, he placed the coffee on the beside and found himself smiling at her –smirking at her.

"Is that for me?" she eyed the coffee.

"It is, though I wish the circumstances in which I was bringing you coffee were...different." Lex winked. Elora wondered how long it would be before Lex started.

"Thank you. Thank you for last night, also. I'm sorry I fell asleep in your bed and for any new bruises you may encounter." She pushed herself up against the headboard, taking the coffee and sipping at it.

"Baby, that's a risk I'm happy to endure."

A loud, clangling sound echoed throughout the house. Lex rolled his eyes, shaking his head in annoyance. All he had to do was tune in, listen more carefully. Leif was banging around the kitchen like a moody teenager.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back," he leaned forward, placing a kiss upon her forehead before turning away from her and heading back downstairs.

When he made it to the kitchen Leif was crouched on the floor, clearing up what looked like broken glass.

"It was an accident." Leif spoke without turning around. He knew Lex was standing behind him, he didn't need to look.

"I totally believe that. It would be awfully childish of you to have broken it on purpose, since you know that's my favourite mug and all," Lex folded his arms across his chest.

"I can't believe you." Lex blurted out, unable to hold back. Their argument earlier had been nothing compared to what Lex was about to unleash upon his friend. This wasn't just about Elora. This was everything.

It was about the person Leif had become.

"Say it,go on Lexie, say it." Leif rose, a smirk dancing vigorously across his face.

He mimicked Lex's body language, folding his arms over his chest.

"What? Did you think I wouldn't notice the little nickname she's given you, no?" Lex didn't like the man standing before him right now.

"Get over yourself Leif. You're cursed. Your brother is dead. Boohoo. Everyone in your path has to deal with your fucking bullshit because you can't seem to handle your shit."

"Don't fucking speak about my brother–"

"Anders would be ashamed of you. He would be so fucking ashamed of you, the way you're living your life, he wouldn't want this. The way you're treating that beautiful woman upstairs. He would be so fucking ashamed." Leif said nothing. He could only shake his head in denial but Lex was right.

Anders would hate this.

"I am just as entitled to talk about him as you are. I have known–I knew him, Leif. Blood or not, that man was my brother in battle, in respect, in friendship. You two were everything. The only family I had. But he's dead, Leif. He's been dead for fourteen years and you need to move on. You need to stop this.

"Do you not think it hurts me just as much as it hurts you? Do you not think that I don't still mourn him? Because I mourn him, Leif. Every single day, and I miss him but you don't see me acting the way you're acting. Where did you go man?" Lex let out a frustrated sigh.

"I get it." Leif's tone was seeping with anger, with the pain and heartbeat of man in mourning with himself.

"You'll never get your power back. Never. Because you are not capable of what lifting your curse requires of you. If you're going to continue to treat Elora the way you've been treating her, then leave Leif.

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