Chapter 10: Confessions

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Blaze's P.o.v

I woke up to the obnoxious sound of my alarm, slowly opening my eyes and pressing a button to quiet the alarm down. Today was the day, Today was the day I told Aaron about what had happened and why I had been ignoring. I slowly sat up and looked out the window, it was storming, the irony it didn't even make me want to get up for school today. I slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, dragging my feet in the process. I freshened up in the mirror, slowly putting on my uniform. I headed downstairs and grabbed a piece of bread to make toast. I didn't feel like making anything big, I placed the bread into the toaster and turned it on. I could hear the thunder, it frightened me quite a bit. Once the toast was done I took it out and grabbed my umbrella, opening the door and opening my umbrella and putting it over my head.

I began to walk down the sidewalk to school, looking down at my feet. I began to overthink on what possibilities could happen once I confess to Aaron. Until I was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Hey blaze!" I knew that voice, it was Travis. I looked up into his eyes, our eyes meeting. "Oh, uh, hey Travis." I tried to put on a fake smile but to no avail. "Mind if I walk with you?" I only nodded in response, We began walking together. Travis attempted to make small talk with me but I just couldn't find the words to speak back to him. "What's wrong Blaze? You seem down, is something bothering you?" I didn't look at him. "Yeah, I'm alright, the rain I guess is bothering me." That was probably the worst lie I've ever made up. Travis nodded in agreement. "The rain is very bothersome, some people find it comforting though." Blaze nodded. "Mhm.."

Before I knew it we where out school, I had planned to tell Aaron at lunch, maybe have Aphmou at my side while I did it so I wouldn't feel so scared. I waved to Travis goodbye and went to my locker, putting in the combination and opening it. 'How am I gonna avoid Aaron.. until lunch, we have werewolf class together..' "Yo," 'How is he gonna react???' "Helloooo???" 'I don't think I can do this!' "Hey!" I jumped, feeling someone grab onto my shoulder. It was a strong grip, I turned to see a tall guy, blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked like the basic white boy who's popular with the girls. "Oh uhm, sorry, I was just in my head." "No worries, I noticed our lockers where next to each other so I wanted to just make small talk." I noticed how relatively deep his voice was which caught me off guard a little. "Oh uh yeah, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Blaze." "Nice to meet you blaze, I'm Garroth." Garroth smiled, he had a very nice smile. "It's nice to meet you, I have to get going now, but it was nice meeting you!" I smiled, waving him goodbye and heading off the class.

Third person p.o.v

Blaze walked into werewolf class, looking around, He looked in the back and saw Aaron, waving him over. Blaze looked away and acted like as if he didn't see Aaron and walked to another seat, putting his bag down and sitting down. Aaron noticed and slightly frowned, though he decided to just ignore it. The teacher walked in and class began. It was long and boring for everyone who attended the class.

~Time skip to Lunch~

Lunch was crowded, everyone was getting there  lunch. Aaron was sitting alone, pondering why blaze ignored him. "Hey Aaron.. we need to talk." Aaron looked up and smiled instantly before he saw blaze. "Hey blaze!" Though something wasn't right.

Aarons p.o.v

"What's up Blaze?" I asked, I had been noticing Blaze had been ignoring me almost all day. I was worried that I had did something to him. I got a terrible feeling in my stomach. "I need to tell you something, promise you won't get mad at me?" I frowned slightly. Something was definitely wrong. "Yeah, I promise." That was a lie. Blaze took a deep breath. "I met a guy named Travis, we are really good friends. But, I got invited to his house and we where playing a game and.. we ended up having sex.. it didn't mean anything! I promise!" My heart dropped, this couldn't be real. "Are you.. serious.." I didn't know what else to say. "Please don't be mad, I still love you so much!" Blaze pleaded. I stood up from my chair and grabbed my tray of food and smashed it into Blaze's face. "I can't fucking believe you'd do this to me! You fucking cheater!" I screamed, blaze was now covered in different food, mashed potatoes and gravy, dry chicken, and milk. I could feel the whole lunch rooms eyes on us. Blaze was in shock, trying to process what I had just done to him. My eyes welled up in hot tears streaming down my face. "I can't fucking believe you! And you had the audacity to still tell me you love me?! If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me!"

I saw someone run up to Blaze's side, His hair was whiteish grey, and his eyes where like emeralds. "Blaze what happened?! Are you okay?" That's where I connected the dots. "'s him.." I said quietly, balling my fist. "This is why I wanted to be just friends Travis.. I had a boyfriend and I cheated on him with you.." Blaze said shamefully. Travis was in shock, taking a step back away from blaze. "Blaze.. is that true?" Travis asked. Blaze nodded. I could still feel the hot tears streaming down my face. "I hate you blaze! It's over." I sobbed, running out of the lunchroom and into the boys bathroom, slamming myself against the wall and sliding down, pushing my knees to my chest and burying my face into my knees and letting it all out into my knees. I couldn't believe I had trusted him, I gave him everything and more. "That was pretty rough." A voice sounded in front of me, I didn't bother to look up. I continued to cry into my knees.

I felt a presence beside me and an arm around my shoulder. Instinctively, I leaned in and just cried. I didn't know who this person was but whoever they where I needed them at this moment. "It's alright.. just.. let it out..I'll be here for as long as you need.." Their voice was soothing and almost feminine like, I couldn't help but took a long whiff of him, he smelled so good almost like candy. We stayed there for what felt like hours until I finally stopped crying and got the courage to look at whoever this was, our eyes met. He looked emo, jet black hair, his hair covering one of his eyes with a mask covering his mouth and nose, eyes like the clear blue ocean. I stared before realized his face was a light pink. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you here." I sat up and wiped my face. The boy smiled and waved it off. "I saw everything, so I followed you to make sure you where okay.." His face turned a deeper hue of red. "I-I'm sorry that sounds weird.." I chuckled and sat up fully, I realized I was way taller than this boy. "No worries, I appreciate that." "Do you mind if I-I ask what your name is?" The boy asked. "Aaron, and you?" "It's Zane." I stood up and dusted myself off. "It's nice to meet you." I held my hand out, Zane took it and stood up, dusting himself off as well. "Hey look, I really appreciate this, like a lot. You really didn't have to do this for me."

Zane just smiled at me. "It's alright really, I've.. been through it so don't worry." I then watched him pull out a strawberry pop tart, breaking it in half. "You threw your lunch so I figured you where hungry.." He blushed and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Thank you, I am hungry." I took the other piece and began to eat it. Zane watched me and blushed, eating the other half. I couldn't help but admire Zane, he had a rather feminine body and quite small for a guy. "Do you always keep snacks with you?" Zane looked up. "Ah uh, yes I do, sometimes I get hungry and.. I really like sweets." He spoke, fidgeting slightly. I smiled again. Me and Zane spoke in the bathroom for hours, before we both walked out together. "Hey, mind if I walk you home, Zane?" I asked. He nodded at me. "Yeah! I-I'd love that.." Zane smiled, blushing slightly. I smiled as i began to walk him home. We talked all the way to his house, laughing all the way, soon we arrived at his house. "Awh, well, I had a nice time talking to you, Zane and thank you again. Too bad I won't get to see you this weekend." Zane nodded. "Well.. I have a phone, want my number?" "Yeah sure!" I grabbed his phone and typed my number in Zane's phone. I have it back and smiled. "Text me anytime, I'm usually always up!" I said. Zane smiled. " T-thank you.. I'll text you sometime..hey uhm..Aaron I-" "Baby brother!! It's getting late! Come inside!! I miss your cute faceeeee!" Zane's face went bright red. I just laughed. "Looks like you have to go, I'll see you." I smiled, making my way back home which wasn't far from here.

I stepped in the house and shut the door behind me, walking up to my room and putting my bag down. I then went to the shower and turned it on, undressing and stepping in. I began to wash myself, humming and found myself thinking about Zane. I smiled and finished up. I stepped out and dried myself, putting on my sleeping clothes and headed to bed. I pulled the covers over me. "I wish that didn't have to end this way with blaze.. I really loved him." I almost started crying again before just sighing and closing my eyes. I soon drifted off to sleep.

(Wow it's been a while since I wrote on this, I hope you guys enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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