Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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Blazes p.o.v
I woke up, groaning and looking around. "Where am I..?" I mumble softly before sitting up and realizing I was in Travis's house. I then looked down at Travis then at my lower half and seeing that I was exposed. It dawned me. "Oh no..I can't believe I.." I couldn't believe it, I cheated on Aaron. I scrambled to get up, putting on my clothes and grabbing my phone. Seeing missed calls and messages from Aaron. "I can't face will I be able to?!" I run my fingers through my hair and grip it. "I need to leave.." I put my phone in my back pocket and quietly walk downstairs, sneaking out of the house and running back to my own. I was able to sneak into the window to my room, quietly closing the window and sitting on my bed. "Oh god..what am I gonna do? I can't face Aaron.." I sat their for what seemed like hours before getting a call. I looked to see who it is, Aaron. I couldn't bring myself to answer, letting it go to voice mail. "He's probably worried sick.." I look down and sigh. I then hear my phone ring again, looking at it and seeing it was Travis. I waited a bit before answering. "Hello?" "Hey blaze! Why'd you leave so early?" Travis asked. "Well, my mom would've killed me if I would've arrived any later.." I say, hoping it was a good enough excuse. "Oh well, I had a lot of fun last night with you.." He said, quite slowly. I sigh and rub my head, pondering on what to say. "Yea..I did to..but I don't wanna do it again Travis, I only think of you as a friend and I hope you can accept that." I said, trying to break it to him as sweet as I could. There was a long pause before Travis spoke again. "I understand..I didn't mean to force you into anything you didn't like..promise." He spoke. I nodded. "Yea is okay, it's down an dover with. Anyway, I have to study for the Werewolf test tomorrow so I'll talk to you later?" I said, hoping this was a good point to end the conversation. "Yea of course! I'll just find something to do! Bye!" Travis hung up. I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. "I need advice.." I then remembered I had Aphmau's phone number. "Maybe she can help me!" I sat up quickly and dialed her number. After a few rings she answered with a tired 'Hello' "Aphmau? It's me! Blaze! I kinda need your help and I need you to come over!" She took a few moments to respond. "Yea, I'll be right over." She said, hanging up. I smiled a bit, feeling a bit of closure.

I walked downstairs and waiting on the couch, after a few minutes of waiting I heard a knock at my door. I got up and quickly jumped up to answer. "Hey aphmau! Come in!" I said. Aphmau smiles. "Thank you!" She walked over to the couch and seated herself on the couch. "So, what's the dealio bro?" She asked. I sat beside her and fidgeted with my fingers. "'s a long story so to summarize it. I basically cheated on Aaron.." I muttered a bit quiet. "What! How?!" She asked. "W-well I met the boy named Travis and he seemed really nice! He invited me over to his house last night and we played a game which resulted in him winning just happened from their it wasn't serious! I promise!" I explained rather quickly as I was out of breathe. Aphmau went silent for a few moments before speaking. "You have to tell Aaron..I'm sure he'll understand and forgive you! Don't hide it because if he finds out the consequences are gonna be worse. Trust me." She said, scolding slightly but softly. "Understand?" She asked. I nodded reluctantly. "Y-Yea..I'll try." "Good, now lets get ice cream?" She smiled, getting up. "Yea! I'd love that!" I got up also taking her hand and walking out of the house, making sure to lock up as we left.

3rd person p.o.v
Blaze and Aphmau walked to the nearby ice cream stand, blaze being a gentleman and ordering their ice cream for them. They sat down, causally talking and eating ice cream. "By the way, did you hear the new Ro'meave brothers are moving here!" Spouse said cheerily. "The Ro'meave brothers? Who are they?" Aphmau, who almost choked on her ice cream looked at him with wide eyes. "You don't know who they are?!!! There like the hottest group of boys you'll ever meet! Okay so, theirs Garroth, Vlyad, and Zane!" Aphmau explained. "Ooh, they sound like lovely boys. When are they gonna be here?" Blaze asked, licking his ice cream. "Today, and they will enroll in Phoenix drop High tomorrow." She said. "Ooh, I hope there close to me. I'd love to get to know them!" Blaze said, now biting his cone. Aphmau nodded in agreement. "Same, I hope one of them are interested in girls." Aphmau fonded a bit. "Ahh..I bet they all are so attractive." Blaze laughed at her. "Oh Aphmau, don't go falling in love too soon. You don't even know what their like." Blaze said. "And?! Good looks equal good personalities!" Aphmau shot back. "Not all the time aphmau." Blaze warned, getting up. "Psshhh, whatevs." She got up, now have finished her ice cream. "Let's go back, it's starting to get late and I don't want my mom to get onto me." Blaze nodded. "I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow then!" "Yea! Bye blaze! And remember what I told you!" Aphmau smiled and waved before leaving the ice cream parlor. Blaze watched before leaving the parlor as well, walking home. He unlocked the door and walked in. As blaze seated himself he turned on the tv and began to watch a movie trying to take his mind off of things. Then there was a knock on the door. "Hold on a second!" Blaze yelled, pausing the movie and walking to open the door. There stood a same height very pale looking boy who had a mask that covered his mouth and nose. His jet black hair covered one of his eyes leaving just one ocean blue eye to be seen. "H-hi where the new neighbors..I'm Zane." He was stuttering quite a lot but I found that adorable. "Oh! I've heard a lot about you guys! Is nice to meet you I'm Blaze." Blaze smiled as they shook hands. "Y-Yea, thanks. I-i hope to see you around sometime.." Zane stuttered a bit. "Yea definitely! Bye!" He waved, watching Zane walked away. Blaze shut the door and smiled a bit, now feeling sleepy. He turned off the movie and walked to his room, taking a nice hot shower and slipping into his sleeping clothes where he then slipped into his bed and fell into a deep slumber.

((Wowie it's been a while for me to write 1,000 words xD I'm sorry for the wait guys but now part 9 is out! Who else should I add along with the Ro'meave brothers?

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