Chapter 6: Trial and Error

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Eins p.o.v

After what had happened last night, Ein woke up at 7:00 I looked over at Blaze, who was fast asleep curled up in ball, god He was so cute. I get up and put on some clothes,  walking downstairs and out of the house,  "I should go pay Aaron a visit.." I grin as I thought of something, I walk a few blocks down from my house to Aarons house. I knock on the door and wait

Aaron opened the door, "Hello?" He spoke to me.

"Hello!" I smile politely.

"Hi, do you need something? " Aaron gave that charming smile he always has.

I nod, "Yes, I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?" Aaron tilted his head, letting him in.

I walk in and sit down on Aarons couch.

Aaron sat next to me, "So?"

I clear my throat, "Well..I heard a lot about you, being muscular..handsome.." I run my soft finger tips along his biceps.

"Um, yea.." Aaron watched my fingers.

"They where hella right about those things and..I just wanted to.." I leaned a bit closer to his face.

Aaron got a bit nervous,  I could see it

"play a game!" I pulled away and smiled, seeing aaron look relived.

Aaron nodded, "What kind of game?!"

"Truth or dare!" I smile

"Who goes first?" Aaron let out a sigh

"Me!" I squealed, "Truth or dare?!"

"Truth." Aaron answered

"Pfft, is it true your dating someone named blaze?" I asked,  hoping for a no.

"Yea." Aaron nodded,  saying the opposite of what I wanted to hear..

"Hmph, your turn." I leaned back on the couch.

"Truth or dare?" Aaron asked me.

"Um..Dare!" I smile.

"I dare you something weird?" Aaron shrugged.

When he said that I knew just what to do, I leaned in and planted an unexpected kiss on his lips. Aaron gasped in Suprise and scooted away, "What the hell?!" "You said do something crazy" I shrug and grin. Aaron frowned because he knew that's what he had said to me.

" Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Dare."  Aaron shrugged.

"I dare you to kiss me." I smirk, aaron shook his head, "Hell no! I'm taken, I think you need to leave! I don't know who you even are!"

I roll my eyes, "Fine, since you don't want to have any fun." I get up and take my leave.

Aarons p.o.v

I watch the boy leave my house while I rethink everything that has happened, I think to myself 'God I hope blaze dosent find out..' I sigh as I hurry back to my house, soon unlocking the door and walking inside, shutting it behind me, I let out a long heavy sigh going over to my couch and sitting down on it. I grab my remote that was resting on the table in front of the couch, I turn on the tv and watch my favorite anime, Tokyo  ghoul. Soon falling asleep on it.

Blazes p.o.v

I mumble softly, opening my eyes and yawning,  sitting up, looking over my shoulder, Ein was not their, I wonder where he was. Getting up and putting on some clothes and ruffling my rather already messes up hair, I walk downstairs and see ein sitting down watching an Anime series, "Good morning Ein." I smile at him, Ein turned his head to me and smiled, "Actually good afternoon." Ein let out a chuckle, "I-its the afternoon?! Already?!" I squeak, Not thinking I had slept that long.."Yea you where fast asleep, I didn't want to wake you up. You looked so cute when you where asleep!" Ein grinned, seeing me flustered. "S-shut up!" I squealed, going over and sitting down next to him, crossing my legs on the couch and yawning again. "Still tired?" Ein asked, I nodded in response, "Don't judge me.." I smile. Ein shrugged,  "Not judging at all.." He said, leaning back and watching the tv. "So what are we gonna do today?" I looked at ein, expecting an answer. Ein just shrugged at me. I huff, then start thinking to myself..'I haven't seen aaron since I stayed over here..' now I know what I was gonna do today, "I'm going to go see my boy- I mean friend." I smile innocently at ein who just nodded. I quickly get up and hurry out the door to Aarons house which was not that far as I thought. I walk up the door step and knock on the answer, I knock answer, I start to get a little turned the door knob and it was open, 'Aaron never leaves his door unlocked..' I walk in and close the door behind me, I then hear something..rather odd, Me being the curious one, I walk upstairs to the noise I was at Aarons door, I slowly and quietly open the door to see Aaron jerking off to some Porn. My face turned red, covering my mouth, as I stood their Amazed that aaron hasn't seen me yet it was kinda hot seeing my jerk off, I slowly walk towards him..

Third person P.o.v

Aaron grunted as his hand went up and down his hard shaft, feeling himself approach the edge until..Blaze wad now in his view, Quickly fumbling around and trying to stop the video, he put his phone down and looked away, his face turning red, " did you get in here?!" Aaron fumbled over his words, blaze didn't answer instead, leaning down and grabbing his shaft, licking from the base to the tip of the shaft, Getting a low moan from aaron,  "I'll be better than any porn you will ever watch.." Blaze mumbled before sucking on the head, Aaron let out pants and low moans, blaze started to take Aarons shaft down his throat,  feeling the saliva rise at the corners of his mouth, not caring at all, he began to suck and stroke what he couldn't fit in his mouth. Aaron ran his fingers threw Blazes hair and gripped it, Blaze moaned as aaron gripped his hair, Deep throating Aarons member, Saliva began to pool down his chin, choking a bit as aaron had bucked his hips up in ecstacy and lust, Blaze sucked more if Aarons shaft. "B-blaze, i-im gonna c-cum!" Aaron moaned loudly as he bucked his hips up once again and came a load into Blazes mouth, Blaze choked but swallowed what he could,  some of the cum running down Aarons shaft, Blaze pulled his mouth off and wiped his chin, His face a bit red as he blushed. Aaron smiled at him, "T-thanks.." Aaron laid down, Along with Blaze
as he pulled the covers over them, "I love you to much.." Aaron mumbled before falling asleep, blaze smiled, "I do to.." He soon drifted off to sleep.

(Ahhh!! I'm so sorry!! I've been so lazyyyy I owe all of you I will upload tomorrow pinkie promise!! Word count: 1174

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