Someplace Far Away From All This Violence

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3rd Person POV

"Weird around here with Hope being gone, and Dr. Saltzman, and Lizzie being in the therapy box." MG whispers to Finch and Ethan as the group of three sit in the lounge. "Not that most notice."

"That's why they are not Squad material." Ethan says. "Speaking of which, do you want to train after class today?"

"Sure." MG says and then he looks at Finch. "Um... How's Jo dealing?"

"She wasn't in her room this morning." Finch says. "We were supposed to have breakfast, but she didn't show. I'm assuming she's in full spiral mode right now."

"I heard she's with Sadie..." Ethan says in a whisper

"Really?" MG asks. He sighs, bringing a hand up to his head. "She's having a rough time dealing with this too...maybe..." He pulls his hand away and looks at the group. "Maybe she should have gone into the therapy box too."

"Hey!" Josie exclaims, skidding to a stop with notebooks in her hands. "I'm sorry I'm late. I've been up all night reading my dad's old journals. I found this entry... My mom shut off her humanity at one point, too. I think there might be some clue about how to turn Hope's humanity back on."

"Any luck?" MG asks

"Well, with my mom, it was all about how her mom had written a letter to her before she had died." Josie says, sitting down

"What was in the letter?" Finch asks

"I don't know because my mom burned it, but then Stefan Salvatore showed her a memory of what she had missed when she burned the letter, and the emotion from that was enough to turn her humanity back on." Josie says

"So, we have to write her a letter and then... burn it?" Ethan asks

"No. We need to get to Hope emotionally." Josie says. "Remind her of her family, friends, that this is her home. And then we need to find the right idea or feeling that's powerful enough to break through."

"It's got to be good and fast." Finch says. "Every time we face off with her in the simulations, she kills us in like ten seconds."

"We're probably only gonna have one chance." Josie says. "It has to be the perfect idea."

"You're thinking we're gonna need some inspiration." MG realizes


"We'll find Hope, but that is the future, and the key to unlocking her humanity lies in your past, so think back on the fondest memories you've shared." Cleo says and with that, Ethan and Finch share a confused look

"I have an idea, but it's a lot." Josie says. "You go first." She tells Cleo

"Mine will require some digging, and I'm uncertain if it will work." Cleo says

"Sorry, I don't really know Hope that well." Finch says

"Same." Ethan says. "I mean, we flirted once, but I doubt she even remembers that."

"It's cool." MG tells the two. "You guys just leave this to those of us that know Hope best because I think I got something."

Suddenly, an alarm blares

"What is that?" Ethan asks

"The magical alarm I put in my dad's weapons cabinet after Cleo tried to kill Hope that one time." Josie says

"Super Squad assemble." MG says, the group standing

MG uses his vamp speed to zoom Cleo and Josie to Dr Saltzman's office

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