𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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In Bloom

As Evelyn sat on her surfboard soaking in the early morning sunlight, she felt at peace. Evelyn has always loved summertime. She loves the feeling of the sun against her skin, and the taste of salt water, and the smell of the warm air. She loves spending her summers at Cousins Beach and the familiarity of her family's beach house. She loves seeing her best friend, Belly, who might just be the only person who loves summer more than she does. Most importantly, though, was her love for surfing.

Surfing was her escape from everything bad about summer. When she needed to get away from the pressure of perfection forced on her by her parents, or when she was overwhelmed by the constant chaos and drama of the small town that is Cousins Beach, she could find peace in the water.

Currently, she was surfing just for fun. Evelyn and her parents had arrived late last night, which meant she hadn't had time to even set foot on the beach. It had taken her a couple waves to reconnect with the skill that had been dormant for nine months, but it didn't take long for her muscle memory to kick in. The waves were decent, but infrequent enough that Evelyn spent most of her time sitting on her board, moving with the flow of the water. Not that she minded; she could have stayed there for hours.

"Really, Evelyn? Do you seriously have to be out here right now? I'm trying to actually enjoy my surfing." An annoyingly familiar voice dragged Evelyn out of her bliss.

"I was here first, Jeremiah. Fuck off and find somewhere else to surf." She said, holding up her middle finger. Evelyn could get along with everyone except Jeremiah Fisher. She had hated her next-door neighbor ever since her first summer at Cousins, ten years ago. Since then, the two had never gotten along. Though that didn't mean she didn't notice the new abs that definitely weren't there last summer.

"You're the one in front of my house, dumbass. You do know this is basically trespassing, right? I could call the cops on you." He retorted. She knew he couldn't actually call the police, but even Evelyn could admit that in her daze she had drifted to the spot in front of the Fisher house.

Evelyn scoffed. "Yeah, right. Get over yourself, Jeremiah you are such an asshole."

Before he could respond, a swell of water began to form in the distance. Both of their eyes watched as it grew into the perfect wave to surf. It was easily the best one Evelyn had seen all morning. The two dropped their conversation, putting all their focus into the wave as they moved into position on their boards and began paddling. She looked over at Jeremiah, who shot her an arrogant grin. The wave reached them, and they rode off on their boards in opposite directions, cutting through the water as the wave curled over them. After riding the wave to the shore behind her own house, Evelyn went back inside to get ready before Belly arrived.


Evelyn was laying in her bed when she heard the car horn next door. She leaped out of bed, and ran out the front door towards the Fisher's house. When she made it to the driveway, she saw four teens talking and squealed of pure happiness.

"Belly!" Evelyn called out, sprinting towards her best friend.

"Oh my god, Eve I missed you so much!" Belly yelled, wrapping her friend into a hug. After a few seconds, they fell out of their embrace and immediately started talking.

"Damn Belly, someone had the glow up of the century and it definitely wasn't Steven." She joked, flashing a smile at the boy who was as much her brother as he was Belly's.

Belly blushed. "Shut up, I'm not the only one who changed! How was it possible that you got even prettier? I didn't even think that was possible."

Evelyn brushed off the compliment, and turned towards the boys. "Hey, does anybody know what time it is?" She asked, with amusement in her voice.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think it's time for a..." Steven trailed off as the rest of the boys and Evelyn continued.

"Belly-flop!" They exclaimed as Belly screamed and tried to run away. They chased after her, and Conrad grabbed her. He held her back as the four of them each grabbed one of Belly's limbs and carried her towards the pool.

When they reached the edge, they began rocking her back and forth, "One, two, three!" Letting go after the count. Belly screamed again as she was thrown into the water. The four laughed as Belly came to the surface, still wearing her clothes and shoes from the car ride.

"Hey, Evelyn?" Steven asked, the same joking tone as before hidden behind his words.


"What are you laughing at?"


She turned just in time to see Jeremiah reach to push her into the pool. She grabbed his hand as a reflex, pulling him into the water with her. Or rather, on her. The two fell into the pool together, hands still interlocked, and for just a moment underwater, they were both too stunned to let go. When they reoriented themselves, they pushed apart and came up for air. Before either of them could say anything, a splash came from the other end of the pool. They looked over to see Conrad and Belly also having a weird, underwater moment.

"Let go," Belly demanded when they came up for air. Conrad swam to the other end of the pool, pulling himself out and clearly upset.

Evelyn turned back to yell at Jeremiah, but he had already gotten out of the pool and walked away with Steven. Instead, she swam over to Belly.

"Um, what was that?" Evelyn questioned, a smile back on her face. Not even Jeremiah pushing her into the pool could ruin the first day of summer.

"What was what?" Belly asked.

Evelyn splashed water at her. "Seriously? Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't just have a moment with Conrad."

Belly splashed water back. "I did not have a moment with Conrad. God, Eve what does that even mean? And you better look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't just have a moment with Jeremiah."

"What moment? He pushed me into the fucking pool!" Evelyn and Belly broke into laughter as they moved to the edge of the pool, got out, and walked inside.

In the kitchen, Laurel and Susannah were talking when the two girls walked in, giggling. They sat down at the counter in front of Susannah.

"Hi," They said, simultaneously. The first day of summer was always the same. Every year it gave Evelyn a sense of deja vu, in a way that comforted her; It was consistent and safe.

"Girls, you're dripping water all over the place!" Laurel scolded as she walked out. They giggled again.

"You have always been lovely but oh, honey, look at you!" Susannah complimented Belly.

"I think I look pretty much the same." Belly replied, blushing.

"Oh, come on, Belly you do not look the same at all and you know it." Evelyn teased, making the other two laugh.

"My girls are growing up. You're in bloom." Susannah said with a smile. For both Evelyn and Belly, Susannah was a mother figure. For Evelyn in particular, however, Susannah was more her mom than her own mother could ever be.

Laurel walked back into the room, carrying two towels that she used to dry off the wet hair that was leaving a trail of water behind the girls. "So, Eve. You're coming over for dinner tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I'd love to if that's alright with you guys!"

"Obviously it's alright you basically live here." Belly joked.

"Laur, they are just like we were, back in the day." Susannah remarked.

"Yeah, they look just like us, don't they?"

Belly and Evelyn turned to each other smiling. Evelyn could tell this summer was going to be amazing, and it had only just started.


Sorry chapter one is a little short but it gets better I PROMISE.

Love, Cressida

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