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Finger Sandwiches

Moments like this were the ones that reminded Evelyn why she liked Harrison. As they ran through the hallways of the country club trying to be stealthy, she couldn't help but admire the way his eyes sparked with excitement, or the way his smile lit up the room, or even the way his hair bounced with each step he took. Hand-in-hand, they made their way to the trophy room, laughing until it hurt.

Harris was comfortable and familiar to Evelyn, and being with him brought back the same feeling of deja vu that she felt every summer in Cousins. He was her first everything. Her first kiss, her first boyfriend, her first love.

They turned another corner, finding living hell on the other side. Both of their mothers stood together, talking. They tried to sneak back, avoiding being seen, but unfortunately they weren't so lucky. The mothers turned to see their children, fingers still interlocked.

"Evelyn and Harrison! We were just talking about you two!" Evelyn's mom said, inviting them over.

Harrison's personality switched up almost immediately as he faked a laugh. "Nothing bad, I hope. It's good to see you again, Mrs. Sanders." He charmed, holding out his hand to shake hers. He had always been good at impressing adults.

She smiled, "You too. Evelyn, you remember Mrs. Astor, right?"

Fortunately for Evelyn, she was just as good as Harris. "Yes, of course!" She shook her hand politely, "How have you been?"

"We have been lovely, thank you for asking. Are you excited to finally be a debutant this year?" Mrs. Astor asked.

"Absolutely! I've been dreaming about this summer since I was little. It's hard to believe it's so soon." She wasn't exactly lying. Although she would never admit it to Belly, Evelyn had been longing for the summer she would be a deb for as long as she could remember.

"Speaking of which," Evelyn's mom started, checking her watch. "I think it's time for you to go back home and start getting ready for the tea, don't you agree?"

"Definitely." She said, turning to Harris. "I'll talk to you later?"

"I'll call you. Good luck!" He said, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, that made their mothers smile. By the look Evelyn saw in his eyes when he pulled away, she knew that was exactly why he was doing it. It was classy, yet romantic. The perfect amount of affection to show in front of parents.


Two hours later, Evelyn was back at the club, wearing the dress she and her mother had picked out months ago. It was white, decorated with pink flowers, and matched perfectly to the fascinator hat they had bought to pair with it. She kept her makeup simple and natural, but included hints of pink to bring the look together. Her hair was straightened the way her mother liked it, which Evelyn did mostly to keep her happy.

"Evelyn! How are you?" A voice greeted Evelyn when she walked into the tea room. She was the first one there because her mother had made her arrive early so she could help set up.

"Hi, Paige. I'm doing well, how are you?"

"I'm great, thank you. Not that I don't appreciate it, but why are you here so early?

"I thought I'd see if there was anything I could do to help before everyone else arrived."

"Oh, that'd be wonderful, thank you so much! Could you run down the kitchen and grab some of the finger sandwiches?"

"I'd love to!" Evelyn said with a smile, leaving the room.

Inside the kitchen, waiters and chefs moved frantically. Pots and pans were clanging loud enough that Evelyn could hear it from outside the door. When she walked in, the chaos seemed to engulf her, and she had no idea how she was supposed to find the appetizers she was sent for in the mess.

Thankfully, a certain waiter caught her eye. "Hey, Steven!" She called out.

He turned, surprised to see her there. "Uh, hey, Eve. Wanna talk outside?" He asked, opening the door for her as they walked into the hallway.

"Are you working the deb tea?"

"Yeah, my manager said it paid double."

"That's awesome."

"Right? It's so easy sucking money out of rich people, you wouldn't believe how much I've made on tips today." He paused, then added, "No offense."

Evelyn laughed. "None taken."

"So, what brings you down to the kitchen? Did Harrison get hungry after all that hanging out in the trophy room?"

"Very funny, Steven. I'm here to get the finger sandwiches for the tea."

He laughed, "God, you are such a kiss ass."

"What? My mom made me show up early and ask, it's not my fault Paige said yes."

"Right. Your mom 'made you'." He said, adding air quotes.

"Yeah, she did, actually. So if you could stop making fun of me, and just show me where the sandwiches are, that would be much appreciated. Thanks."

"Alright, alright, alright. Whatever, just follow me." As she followed him back into the kitchen, Evelyn realized that the chaos was much more organized than she had thought. Steven navigated his way to the appetizer she was looking for and handed it to her.

"Godspeed, deb." He said, a look of fake seriousness on his face.

Evelyn laughed. "Godspeed, Steven." She replied.

Evelyn walked through the country club, making her way back to the tea room holding the platter of sandwiches. However, for the second time today, she regretted turning the corner.

Jeremiah Fisher happened to be walking through the exact same hallway (shirtless), and he smiled when he saw what she was carrying. "No way. Are those the little Brie and fig jam sandwiches with the prosciutto? I knew they were missing something upstairs." He said, reaching out to grab one.
She stepped back out of his reach. "These are for the debs, Jeremiah. Go away."

"Please? Just one, I promise."

"No. I'm already late."

"Aw, I'm sorry," he said, fake pouting. "Did Harrison keep you too long in the trophy room."

Evelyn could feel the heat rising to her face. "Shut up, asshole." She mumbled, walking past him and towards the tea room.


Hi I hope everyone's enjoying the story so far lol

also I'm really trying to make this a slowburn (or as much as it can be considering there's only 7 episodes) but I PROMISE jevelyn will happen they are soulmates

are we feeling jevelyn? or jerlyn?? or something else entirely idk i cant make ship names 👍

Love, Cressida

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