𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Make Him Jealous

"Evelyn Rose you will not, under any circumstances, leave this fucking house tonight." Evelyn's mother said, swirling around the wine in the glass she was holding.

"Seriously, Mom? Last summer I was barely home and you didn't give a shit." Evelyn had made the mistake of actually asking her mom if she could go to tonight's beach bonfire, instead of just leaving like she always does.

"Well, last year you weren't a deb. I will not let you tarnish the family name." She wasn't sure why, but her mother's words hurt her more than they should've. There was some part of her that hoped her mother would care about her whereabouts for the sake of her safety, not just to prevent rumors at the country club.

"The other debs are going to be there! Every teenager on Cousins ​​Beach will be there for fuck's sake!"

"Not every teenager, Evelyn, because you will be here . In your room, now."


"I said, now."  Her mother demanded. "Go upstairs."

Evelyn turned around and made her way to her bedroom, not allowing the tears to fall until she had locked the door. After fifteen years, she had mastered the art of silent crying. She wasn't even entirely sure why she was so upset. Thankfully, she had also perfected the useful skill of hiding the tears in an instant, because her phone rang, Belly's name appearing on her screen.

"Hey B." She greeted her friend, answering the FaceTime. "Woah, what are you all dressed up for?" She asked, noticing the pink dress she had on.

"The bonfire! I am done sitting around, waiting for the boys to come home, I figured I would go to them for a change. God, I am so glad I caught you before you left, I did not want to walk in alone ."

Fuck her mom, Evelyn decided. She would not be missing her best friend's first party. "Meet me on the beach outside your house, I'll be there in ten."


"Damn, Belly, you look so good! Conrad is going to be all over you." Evelyn said when she found her friend on the beach. She had snuck out of her room (something she had done so many times she had lost count ), and had pushed all worries about disobeying her mother to the back of her mind.

"Oh my god, thanks, Eve. You look amazing, as always. And, about Conrad-"

"Wait, there's news? Shut up, Belly I knew it! He was totally staring at you during dinner."

"No, he totally wasn't." Belly said, playfully mocking her friend. She then went into a long, in-depth explanation about how different he was acting at the pool earlier.

"Well, there's only one way to find out how Conrad really feels." Evelyn decided, after hearing her story.

"Which is?"

"Make him jealous, duh. See what he does when he sees guys flirting with you tonight, and you will know everything you need to."

They were close enough now to hear the music, and their conversation ended as they walked into the party. This was nothing Evelyn hadn't seen before. People making out, drinking, smoking, talking; a typical and casual bonfire party.

"Yo, gas station girl." An older guy called, walking up to Belly. "You came, and brought a friend, damn it must be my lucky day." He said, eyeing Evelyn up and down in a way that made her skin crawl.

"Steven!" Evelyn called out seeing him walk past, saving her and Belly from the creep.

He turned to see the two girls, surprised to see his sister. "What are you doing here?" He asked, starting to understand the situation.

"I invited them. Who the fuck are you?" The creep said.

"I'm their brother. And they're both fifteen, you pedo."

"Hey, my bad, man." He said, walking away.

Steven turned back to the girls. "Alright, nope. Not happening. Go home." He told them. Belly started walking towards the center of the party, ignoring him as he tried to pull her away. Evelyn was trailing behind them, next to Shayla. Belly tripped on the sand, landing on the ground right in front of Conrad, who was making out with a girl Evelyn recognized as Nicole from last summer's deb ball.

Belly stood up, Conrad and Nicole (and the rest of the party) watching her. "I thought you hated the Red Sox." She said, gesturing to the hat that Nicole had on.

"Who are you?" Nicole asked.

"Who are you?" Belly retorted.

"Nicole. Conrad and I went to the deb ball together last summer."

"It was after you guys left to take Steven to look at colleges." Conrad clarified, though Evelyn thought that was probably the stupidest thing he could have said at that moment.

Belly was visibly upset, and Evelyn knew it was because she had allowed herself to think that Conrad might like her. "I thought you said that deb balls are bullshit, and all debs are sheep."
"I didn't-" he started, guilt written on his face. "You're such a brat."

"Well, you're an asshole." Evelyn said, dragging her friend away from the scene.

"Belly!" Jeremiah called, running over to the girls. Evelyn almost sighed of relief, but caught herself before she did and reminded herself that she hated him. "You came! Great, we can all hang out, you guys."

"I'm about to take them home." Steven said. Evelyn knew he was just being protective, but it pissed her off that he was trying to control them.

"Yeah, like hell you are. Belly can handle herself, she's not some little kid anymore. Get over your superiority complex and fuck off, Steven." Evelyn remarked, gaining some 'oohs' from the small crowd watching them.

"Okay, guys, chill out." Jeremiah said, trying to calm everything down.

"Fine, but you guys better stay right here. And don't talk to anybody." Steven ordered, walking away with Shayla.


the second-hand embarrassment i had while watching this scene was UNMATCHED.

Love, Cressida

invisible string // jeremiah fisherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang