Chapter 3

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After work, Jean waved at Rue from the car but she just stood there acting like she didn't see her. "Come on, I need to get dinner started," Jean called out. Again, Rue just stood outside the school pretending that she didn't hear or see her sister.

Jean hopped out of the car towards Rue. "Rue come on!" Jean said confused about her behavior. As Jean was talking, Rue crossed her arms and turned away from her.

"Rue, what is going on with you?" Jean made a puzzled face and turned Rue around to face her. "First, your principal called and said you've acted out in class, now you're ignoring me."

She didn't answer Jean. Just stood there rolling her eyes at her. "Talk to me please," Jean pleaded. "Whatever, it is I won't be mad. I just need you to say something."

"I hate you, I want to live with nana and papa," Rue yelled causing people to look in their direction. Those words made Jean's heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Rue, calm down!" she said through her teeth.

"You should've died instead of our parents! You're the worst sister ever! I want you to die!" Rue shouted. At this point, Jean was livid. She couldn't believe Rue would say that to her. Without thinking, she grabbed Rue by the shirt and dragged her into the car. Rue started kicking and screaming causing a scene but Jean sped away from the school.

During the car ride, Jean looked in the rearview mirror and saw Rue sobbing in the backseat. "I'm so sorry Rue," I said. This was the first time Jean has ever put her hands on Rue. Usually, when she's acting moody, she usually grounds her.

When they got home, Rue went the whole remainder of the day without talking to Jean. After dinner, Jean called her grandparents and explained the situation to them. They all agreed that Rue should stay with them for a while.


After she dropped Rue off at their grandparents, she laid in bed all day and cried. She felt so guilty about what happened between her and Rue. Yesterday, felt like the worst day of her life.

When her phone rang, Kadel's name appeared on the screen. Jean had forgotten about the date with him.

When she didn't answer, Kadel sent her a text message, "Are we still on for tonight or should we reschedule?" Jean contemplated how to respond but she knew sitting in the house won't help her anxiety calm down.

"Yes, I'm getting ready as we speak," she replied.

Later that night, when she heard a knock on the door, she did a little victory dance. Jean has never even been on a date before, so, this made her very excited.

"Wow, you look so beautiful," he smiled as she opened the door. "You're a little too dressed up for Burger King though," Kadel chuckled.

She lightly punched him in the arm, "Don't play with me! I might as well turn around and get back in the bed then."

"You know, I've planned something special," he said. He reached for her hand and lead her out the doorway.

Jean followed Kadel to his car and they drove for five minutes to the park. Jean searched the park and there was nobody in sight. She quickly shared her location with Neve and a text about who she was with.

"What are we doing here?"

"Having a bonfire," he said showing his pearly white.

"Doesn't the park close at eight?" she asked concerned.

He shook his head to agree with her and said, "But I won't tell if you won't."

"Aren't you the trouble maker," Jean said as he lead them to an area Kadel had already set up. There was a tent with lights around it, inside were pillows and two blankets. And the fire was already light bringing in more natural light.

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