Chapter 9

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"So, you lied to me. I was right, you were sleeping with her," Reign placed her hand on her hip.

"No, I wasn't. I was always faithful to you throughout our marriage," Clinton reassured.

"Honestly, I'm glad we got a divorce," she said. Those words hurt Clinton because he dedicated his life to Reign after they married.

"I know. You did not trust me and that made you resent me."

"But I did love you," Reign reached over to grab Clinton's hand.

"I loved you too," he smiled.

"Yeah but that was never enough. Relationships need more than love to survive."

"I know, I was more committed to my career than you. And I'm sorry, I stopped playing attention to you but out of all the men, why my father?"

"Believe it or not. Your dad is everything I've been looking for and more."

He narrowed his eyes, "That does not make this right, you know this is fucked up!"

"I know," she shook her head. "I just wanted you to know, that we're not together to spite you. We love each other and we both care about you."

Clinton chuckled, "Who are you trying to convince me? Me or you? I'll never support this relationship and when he hurts you, just know I told you so!"

"I thought, we could have a mature conversation but you're still the same. I hope this time you do right," she said before leaving.


For the past two days, Jean had managed to find ways to avoid Clinton. He understood why but on day three he was over the silent treatment.

"Jean, we need to talk," he demanded.

"If it's not about work then you can take this conversation to your wife." She didn't even look at him, she just kept her eyes on the screen as she typed.

"The board approved your department!" Clinton announced.

She froze for a moment and lifted her head, "Are you serious?" This announcement made Jean's whole day.

"Yeah," he shook his head. "I'm scheduling interviews for your position as we speak."

"They were taking so long to make a decision, I thought for sure it was a no!" she squealed.

"Well, of course, you will need to discuss the next steps with the board. In two weeks, I will schedule a meeting and I expect you to impress everyone with your presentation."

"Okay, I will start working on that tomorrow," she responded. And within a second she was back into work mode tuning Clinton out. "Is there anything else?" she asked as she returned to typing.

"Yeah, I wanted to know if you wanted to celebrate."

"I'm fine!" Jean wasn't going to let Clinton off the hook that easily.

"Jean," he pleaded.

"Jean what? Your wife is back in town, so, celebrate with her Clinton!"

"You know, we're over with!"

Jean chuckled, "I don't believe you!"

"Why would I lie?"

"I hear you on the phone continuously talking about her. And on top of that, you still keep pictures of y'all on the walls."

Clinton sighed, "I did that because I thought me and her would eventually get back together but I know that's not going to happen."

"And it's not going to happen between us either. We had a moment and it was a mistake," she said.

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