Chapter 15

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"SUPRISE," echoed through Jean's ears as soon as she open the door. She watched as Rue and Clinton jumped from behind the couch throwing confetti at her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Rue squealed as she ran and hugged Jean.

After an awkward smile went across Jean's face, she replied, "Thank you," in a soft tone. She was kinda happy they did this for her. Because Jean hasn't celebrated her birthday since the death of her parents.

Clinton walked over to the island and grabbed the store-bought cake. "Make a wish!" he smiled as he walked towards Jean and placed the cake in front of her lips. Jean quickly made a circle with her lips and blew out the candles.

"I hope your wish comes true," Rue smiled.

Jean watched as Clinton placed the cake on the coffee table. She could tell that this was Rue's idea and he just went along with it. "Me too," she smiled.

"Close your eyes," Rue demanded. "Me and Clinton bought you something!"

"Oh, you didn't have to do that!" she said but Rue was already headed into the room.

"Make sure she's not looking!" Rue called out from the hallway.

"You heard her," he smirked.

Jean rolled her eyes at him but complied.

"Okay, you can open them," Rue said as she stood in front of Jean. She looked into Rue's hands, where she had a BUILD-A-BEAR box.

"A teddy bear?" she asked confused.

"Read the birth certificate," Clinton said. She opened the box and pulled out the certificate.

"Clinton Malin King Jr, date of birthday November 28th, 2022, belongs to Jean and Clinton," she read from the paper.

"We never had the chance to name him but I know we discussed naming him a junior. I hope that it was okay with you!" Clinton said.

Clinton's middle name was Azerial. So, the middle name "Malin" intrigued Jean. "What does Malin mean?" she asked.

"Little strong warrior," Rue answered. "I picked it."

"It's the perfect name," Jean sniffed as a tear fell on the birth certificate. She pulled out the bear and held it close to her heart. Rue inched closer to her sister and wrapped her arms around Jean to comfort her.

"Thank you," she said to Clinton and Rue.

And that night when she laid in the bed with the bear, her heart felt lighter.


Throughout Jean's recovery, Clinton spent limited time at work. However, since Jean was becoming more independent he slowly started adding more work hours to his schedule.

Clinton had arranged for the company to conduct quarterly board member meetings. "The county approved the Oak Park blueprints and we just need your signature to start construction on the area." Robert, the land coordinator stated to Alice and Clinton.

"What are the time predictions for completion?" Alice asked but no one answered because the conference room swung open. There stood Reign with a lit birthday cake, singing, "Happy birthday to Jean."

Clinton squinted his eyes, "Reign, what are you doing here? You know Jean is on leave right now! Plus, her birthday was yesterday!"

"Oh, my apologies, I thought she would've been back by now! But I'd brought you and her a gift," she continued as she passed him an envelope.

"What is this?" he asked.

"You have to open it first then she'll get her surprise later on," she suggested with excitement in her voice. He picked up a pen from the table and ran it along the edge of the seal. Everyone's eyes were focused on Clinton as he pulled out a piece of paper.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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