Chapter 5

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The day before Jean came back to work, she received an email about an emergency meeting first thing in the morning.

When she came into the building, the atmosphere was low. Many of her co-workers were walking around with their heads down.

Jean immediately noticed Bri and tried her best to stay away from her but Bri was determined to speak, "Jean wait!" she said trying to get her attention.

"What!" Jean rolled her eyes.

"I just want to apologize about my friends, they were out of line and I told them about themselves!"

"Well, you are the company you keep and I know you feel the same way," Jean pointed out.

"That's not true," Bri said.

"Okay, well tell me what's true about you Bri?" Jean ridiculed.

Bri took a deep breath, "Jean, I truly liked our friendship. I was hoping when I introduce you to my friends, you would join our circle."

"Well, that's not happening," she added.

"I see," Bri sighed. "Well, good luck today."

"Good luck for what?" Jean questioned.

"The last time we had a head of department meeting is when they were laying some people off," Bri answered.

"This is not good," Jean immediately thought about the award ceremony and what happened between her and Mr. King.

"You shouldn't have to worry,  you should be safe. It's more for the department workers," she added before leaving.

Jean headed into the boardroom as she waited for some of her co-workers to arrive. She started to nervously tap her fingers on the table. When Clinton and Aiden walked in, she tried her best to not look at them.

Clinton was going to speak to her but his father walked in and started the meeting, "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I don't want to keep you guys from running your departments, so, I'm going to try to keep this short."

Everyone was at the edge of their seats. "I've been comparing our sales reports from last year and we're down five percent. I know that may not sound like a lot but that little five percent determines rather or not someone gets to provide for their family. So, with that being said, If I call someone's name from your department, I expect you to bare them the bad news and give them my sincere apology."

He took out his laptop and opened a page, "And HOD's make sure you inform them that they will receive this month's salary." Everyone shook their head to respond.

"The first name is Jean Pelton," he called out looking me dead in the eye. "I apologize but this job does not seem like a good fit for you."

"I understand," Jean said.

"And that was all the names, this meeting is dismissed," he smirked closing the laptop. Jean knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted to embarrass her because she rejected him.

Immediately, when Jean left the boardroom she started crying.

"Jean, wait. I'm sure something better will come along," Clinton insisted.

"Something better?" Jean hollered. "Out of all the jobs I'd applied for, this was one of my best option."

"Jean, I understand your frustration but I'm willing to give you a reference," Clinton added.

"A reference?" she questioned. "A reference won't guarantee a job! You might not have to worry about money but me, I have a little sister to take care of and without a decent income, I'm going to lose custody!"

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