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Mr. Wolf: Come on, Diane! How any times do I have to apologize?
Diane: Once!
Mr. Wolf: ...No.


Mr. Piranha: Hey, can I get a sip of that water?
Mr. Snake: It's not water.
Mr. Piranha: Vodka! I like your sty-
Mr. Snake: It's vinegar.
Mr. Piranha: ...What?
Mr. Snake: It's vinegar, pushAY-


Mr. Shark: When I was a kid, Mr. Piranha told me that the paper strip that's in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Ms. Tarantula: They are!
Mr. Shark: FOR REAL?
Ms. Tarantula: No! Why did you fall for it again?


Mr. Snake: I hate when people ask me, 'What did you do today?' Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was 5 p.m., okay? I don't KNOW!


Mr. Piranha: I think it's time I get my life in order.
Mr. Wolf, narrating: But he did not get his life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.


Mr. Snake: I'm gonna nickname my child "Lil Bitch".
Diane: I see you're passing on your name.
Mr. Snake: ...bitch-


Chief Luggins: Is there anyone here who's actually straight?
Ms. Tarantula: *raises hand*
Mr. Shark: *puts their hand down*
Ms. Tarantula: LMAO SHARK??


Mr. Snake: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Mr. Wolf: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Diane: Good morning to everyone except these two people


Ms. Tarantula: I dare you-
Mr. Shark: Mr. Piranha is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Ms. Tarantula: Why not?
Mr. Piranha: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say


Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Chief Luggins: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.


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