1. Moving In

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This takes place where The Boondocks Kids are all in High School.
"I can't solve this stupid problem," Jazmine says triggered. "If Jack had 11 apples and Jim had 23 how much does Liam have? WHERE THE HELL DID LIAM COME FROM." Jazmine says getting even more triggered than she was before. "Jazmine, honey." Her mom called.

"Yes, mom?" Jazmine responded.
"You and your dad or going to go introduce yourself to the family that moved here across the street so get ready."
"Alright," Jazmine said as she rushed downstairs out of her room happy that she could get a short break from that math equation she was stuck on.

"I'm here!" Jazmine smiled as her dad put on his jacket. "Let's get going." Jazmine's dad said with a  smile.

There was a moving truck in front of the house. Jazmine and her dad cross the street and ringed their door with two big smiles on their face like they were car salesmen. 

They heard the voice of an old man say "Riley go answer the door." And the ghetto voice of a boy saying "Why can't Huey do it, why do I always have to do it." "Go answer the god damn door before you get a whooping." The boy got up and answered the door. He began laughing.

"Who's at the door?"
"Two ugly ass niggas." The boy said as he tumbled to the ground still laughing. "This one's got a jacket on!" He continued to laugh as Jazmine and her dad began to awkwardly smile. "Get cho ass in here boy." The old man walked to the door with a towel around his waist and no shirt on as if he had just gotten done bathing.

"Sorry about that," he said
"No problem. Allow me to introduce us. My name is Tom and this is my daughter Jazmine, we are your neighbors across the street."
"Robert Freeman, a pleasure to meet you." The old man said shaking both their hands.

"Your daughter looks around the same age as my two boys Huey and Riley, I'm sure they'd love to properly meet you this time." He said with a smile. "Boys get your asses over here." He yelled across the living room.

The two brothers walked over next to him at the door. One with a puffy afro and one with long cornrows braided towards the back. But the one with the afro caught Jazmine's eye. Jazmine immediately started to uncontrollably blush and looked away from him.

"These niggas again," Riley says while staring especially at Tom (Jazmine's Dad.)
"Don't give me that attitude. They are very nice folks." Robert adds on.
"Whatever grandad," Riley says as he goes to sit on the couch.
"Come in," Robert says offering us a seat on the couch.

I (Jazmine) sat next to Huey (the boy with the afro.) He scoots away a bit.
After several hours of talking between Robert and Tom, everybody eventually says goodbye (except for Riley) and Jazmine goes to bed ready for the next day at school.
Jazmine's mom drops her off at school and Jazmine goes straight to her locker where Cindy is currently leaning.
"Get off my locker, Cindy."
"Why so mad?"
"Because I was stuck on a stupid math equation and didn't finish the homework."
"You. Stuck? Dang Jazzy even I finished the homework this time."
"Whatever." Jazmine frowns.

"I met this hot boy yesterday," Jazmine smirks.
"Really? On a scale of 1-10?
"Damn a guy that hot doesn't exist."

Huey walks into the school straight to his locker which was 2 lockers away from Jazmine.

"That's the guy!" Jazmine whispered and smiled.
"This niggas a 10?" Cindy said very loud.
"Cindy!" Jazmine pouted.
"What. He looks like he's been socked in the face multiple times."

Even though Huey had heard both the things Cindy said he just continued to mind his own business as if no one had said anything. The bell rang shortly after and everyone attended their classes. Jazmine began to walk to her class as she noticed Huey was going the same way as her.

They both entered the classroom at the same time and Jazmine sat in her seat. Huey went to go sit in a seat across the room from Jazmine but then the teacher stopped him.
"Hold it right there your not getting off that easy." The teacher said.
Huey let out a soft growl as he walked to the front of the class next to the teacher.

Jazmines POV after Introduction:
After a short and pointless introduction, the teacher began writing things on the board as the other students copied down what he wrote, including me. About 1 hour later that ghetto-voiced boy burst into the classroom.

"I'm early!" He yelled.
"Riley, it's 10:09," Huey said.
"Exactly!" Riley looked at Huey like he was a dumbass.
"I said school starts at 9:30." Huey facepalms.
"No nigga you said it starts at 10:30 so I'm 21 minutes early nigga."

Just as soon as Huey and Riley were about to start Bruce Lee fighting, the teacher called Riley to introduce himself.
"I'm Huey's brother that gay ass nigga with the puffy hair in the back."
Huey starts to ball up his fist like he's about to get up and beat the shit out of Riley.
"And umm...I go crazy on the PlayStation, Xbox is ass."
"Shut the fuck up," Cindy yelled from the back of the room.

Riley stopped talking and sat silently in the seat next to Cindy.

After about 5 minutes of silence, Riley finally spoke. "Sup."

Cindy ignored Riley completely.

"Hey. Girl with the braids. Blondie. White girl."
Riley elbowed Cindy.
Cindy moved her arm as if she was about to smack him but Jazmine gave her a "Don't even think about it" look.

As hard as It was Cindy continued to ignore him throughout the whole day as he kept trying to get her attention.
After School

"What does that kid want from me? He been annoying the shit out of me all day." Cindy said to Jazmine.
"Maybe he wants to be your friend."
"Why the hell would he wanna do that?"
"Maybe because you sit right next to him or because you're cute."
"Don't you even start with that shit." Cindy cuts Jazmine off.
If you want to see more please tell me.

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