6. Progress

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I know this took forever but work with me here- I just don't write that often which is why it's usually rare for me to make another one of these so sorry. I will try to get part 7 out soon also though so look out.

This part is inspired by the episode from The Boondocks when gangstalicious spreads gay style and Riley follows it.
After multiple whoopings and yelling Riley finally found a way to borrow Grandads debit card to use at the mall but the only reason he was letting him use it was because he didn't have a lot of clothes.

After Riley's short trip to the nearby mall, he came home wearing some of his new clothes. He walked upstairs to go greet Huey. He slams open their room door.
"Ay Huey!"
Huey continues to read his book.
"AY HUEY!" Riley shouts.
"Oh gosh what do you want now-" Huey cuts off his sentence as he turns around and looks at Riley. Riley was wearing a crop top and skinny jeans.
"The fuck?!?" Huey says.
"You like my new clothes nigga?"
Huey continues to stare at Riley.
"Jealous I got the new trendy clothes?"
"GRANDAD" Huey calls.

"Whaddya want boy! I was just in the middle of a great shower."
Grandad walks in wrapped up in a towel.
"Look at this nigga." Huey points to Riley
Grandad surprised drops his towel and stared at Riley for a good minute.
"Boy, where did you get those clothes from!" Grandad yells.
"T- The mall," Riley says nervously.
"I'm giving you a once-in-a-lifetime chance right now. Take them damn clothes off before I whoop yo ass so hard you gonna look like a damn tomato."
"Yes, grandad."

Grandad gets back to his shower.

Riley mocks Grandad. "Take them clothes off blah blah blah, why can't y'all just leave me alone for once."
"Riley you look gay as fuck and you know it."
"No, I don't! You know I don't fuck with that gay shit. You could be a little fruity sometimes yourself though."
"Shut up."

Grandad busts into the room done with his shower in a full outfit.

"We're leaving for school in a few mins so get ready boys."
"And Riley I told you to change," Grandad says
"Alright alright," Riley replies.
Grandad leaves the room and goes downstairs to wait for the boys.

Riley opens the window.
"Riley what are you doing now." Huey quickly says.
"I'm gonna go to school myself," Riley responds.
"What why?" Huey says confused.
"Because Grandad won't let me wear the shit I want. So imma sneak to school in it." Riley explains.
"Whatever there's no stopping you."
"Nope, there isn't. Tell Grandad I walked to school myself."

Riley jumps out the window and lands on his feet.
He starts running as fast as he can to school.

Once Riley makes it to school he is 10 minutes early.
"Man this is the first time I've been early this is gonna be bad for my reputation." Riley says sadly.

Riley spots Cindy.
Riley and Cindy
"Ayy Cindy." Riley hollers at Cindy.
Cindy looks away.
"What do you want."
"So you early too?"
"Yeah so"
"Well you just like me, you never early just saying."
Cindy looks at Riley.
"The fuck are you wearing?"
"The new trendy clothes- anyway."
"Are you still mad at me?" Riley stares at Cindy with his eyes half closed.
"No Reezy I ain't mad at you I'm just going through a lot right now."
"Alright well if you ever need anyone to talk to I got you." Riley puts his arm around Cindy.
"Get your arm from around me bruh" Cindy pretends like she doesn't like it.
"Yes mam" Riley quickly moves his arm.
"Well I mean it is kinda cold in here so maybe you should keep your arm around me" Cindy makes up an excuse for Riley to put his arm around her.
"Alright" Riley responds and puts his arm around Cindy.
"Hey Riley." Cindy says.

Cindy looks at Riley.

"Yes?" Riley responds.
"Would you want to-"

The bell rings stopping Cindy in the middle of her sentence.
Riley and Cindy begin walking to class.

Huey walks into school just making it.
Huey starts walking to his classroom.
Jazmine comes in from behind him and walks with him.
Huey and Jazmine
"Good morning Huey!" Jazmine says excited.
"Good morning Jazmine." Huey says miserably which kills the mood.
"Soooo...why are you late to school.?" Jazmine asks Huey.

"Riley's shenanigans and I ended up having to walk to school later since Grandad had just found out that his car was low on gas and he doesn't wanna spend money to buy more." Huey explains.

"Sounds tough."
"What about you?"

"My parents were arguing and forgot to bring me to school early." Jazmine admits.

"Not suprised." Huey responds.
"Well lately I keep hearing your parents arguing and it always wakes me up at night."
"Yeah they keep arguing..it's starting to make me think that they will divorce or something.." Jazmine says sadly.
"But they'll never do anything like that right Huey?" Jazmine stares at Huey.
"I don't know Jazmine. Lots of peoples parents are divorced." Huey responds.

Jazmine hugs Huey.
Huey pauses.
Jazmine still hugging him he puts his arms around her and hugs her too.
They both let go.

"You'll always be my friend though right Huey?"
"Yeah sure whatever." Huey responds.
"As long as you don't try to kill me at the end of the world." Huey says of course ruining the moment like always.

"All this talking got us late to class." Jazmine realizes.
"See you at class!" Jazmine runs into the classroom.
Huey slows down still walking to the classroom.

"Why was she kind of...cute?" Huey says to himself in his mind even startling himself  by what he is thinking.
Huey forgets he ever thought of that and walks into the classroom finally making it even though he is 8 minutes late.

"Your late." The teacher says.
"Ok." Huey responds calmly and sits down.
Next episode will be what happens in class and after class.

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