5. Rileys Boring Ass Day (Not Entertaining)

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"Huey, Huey, Huey, Huey," Riley repeats for the 1000th time.
"What," Huey answers after he just woke up.
"Wanna go swimming?"
"But it's summer."
"It's not summer, Riley." Huey answers
"Well, it's hot Nigga." Riley responds quickly and energetically.
Huey sighs.
"Ask Grandad," Huey says.

Riley runs downstairs into the living room where grandad is sitting on the sofa.
"GRANDAD!" He yells.
"No running, boy!" Grandad says calmly.

Riley stops with a smile.
"Can we go to the pool?"
"We ain't going to no damn pool! It's 25°C."

Riley loses his confidence and walks to the kitchen.

"How much sugar have you had today?" Grandad says irritated.
"36 grams," Riley admitted sadly as he grabbed Grandads orange juice out of the fridge and finished it.

Riley runs out of the kitchen upstairs before he got in trouble most likely.
Riley came into his room where he spotted Huey awake reading a book in the bed with his legs crossed.
"Oh so now your awake," Riley said.
Huey ignored him.
"It's Sunday let's go do something."
"Why don't you just go meet up with that gay-ass rapper," Huey said annoyed.
(Yes Riley has met Gangstalicious at some point that was not shown.)

"Eww, gay ass nigga don't talk about him!" Riley acts disgusted.
Huey shrugs and looks back at his book.


"Have you ever thought of making an action movie?"
Huey responded fast. "Riley why the FUCK would I think of making an action movie, Riley go sit your dumbass down."

Riley was surprised Huey had gone that hard on him. (That didn't sound right I know.....)

Riley sat down on the ground next to Huey's bed.
Riley played some video games.
He got bored.
Riley watched TV.
He finished his favorite show.
Riley looked out the window.
He fell and sprained his leg.
Riley called Cindy.
Her phone went straight to voicemail.

(Yeah it pretty much goes on forever.)

Riley took a quick shower which he never does but he didn't have a choice since he had nothing to do.

After his boring ass shower, he went to his bed and sat down. Then he went to bed dreaming about becoming a SoundCloud Rapper.
(This is like a children's book ngl.)

Sorry if it was short but that was Riley's miserable day that wasn't meant to be entertaining....ok bye!

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