8. New Girl🎀

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I'm trying to get these out faster now.
At School
Huey and Jazmine arrive early at school.
Cindy and Riley were at their lockers talking.

Jazmine overhears Riley and Cindy talking about dating.
"I'll see you in class," Riley says.
Cindy says bye to Riley.

Huey walks toward class

Jazmine walks up to Cindy.
"Cindy what was that."
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you Riley is my boyfriend now," Cindy says.
"OMG, this is so big. I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks, I guess."

"If I ever get with Huey maybe we could go on double dates." Jazmine thinks to herself in her mind.

The bell rings.
Cindy and Jazmine began walking to class.
They make it to class and sit down.

"Everybody, there's a new student today so make sure to be nice and show her around." The teacher announced.

"Great another kid to add to this class." Huey sarcastically complains.

Shortly later a beautiful girl walks in the classroom with a nose ring, long black hair the front covering her eyes, light black smooth shiny skin, wearing a red LA New Era Cap, gray sweatpants, Chicago Air Jordan 1s, and a white thong that was showing almost completely. She was about 5'4.

Huey was surprised by how cute she is and her outfit was very...different than all the other girls in the school which made him interested in her. Even though she isn't his type.

"I'm surprised she ain't dress-coded yet." Riley blurts out.

"Please introduce yourself." The teacher tells her.
"My name is Luna." She says quietly and only about 50% of the class could hear her.
"We'll umm...Luna, where would you like to sit?"

Luna points to the seat next to Huey.
Jazmine gives her a "please don't." look.

Luna sits down in the seat next to Huey.
She leans her head on her hand and smiles while watching Huey.
Huey tried to ignore her.

Huey finally asks "Why are you staring at me?"
"Your just really cute."

Jazmine tries to hold in everything she wants to blurt out right now.

"Well, could you look the other way I'm trying to focus."

Jazmine calms down.

"Hey, Huey," Jazmine calls for Huey breaking his focus.
"W h a t N I G G A." Huey thinks to himself and turns around to look at Jazmine.

"I had a question," Jazmine says.
"Ask quick."

"Do you think I'm cute?" Jazmine blushes and looks away from Huey.
"Sometimes." Huey turns around trying to cover up his blushing.

"Who's that chick?" Luna asks Huey.
"It's my friend, Jazmine."

"I wish we were more than that." Jazmine thought to herself.

"I don't want you talking to her around me." Luna pouts.

"Nigga I just met you," Huey responds.
The teacher overheard them.
"No talking in class Huey." The teacher says.
Huey brings his attention back to the lesson.
After School
The bell rings releasing everyone.
All the kids celebrate.
Turns out today was the last day before the summer break.

"So Huey what are you gonna do for summer break?" Jazmine asks.
"I don't know yet," Huey responds.
Luna comes over.

"Hey, Huey what are you doing for summer break?" Luna asks.
"I don't know."
"Hey, by the way, why did you come to this school on the last day?" Huey asks.

"I just came to experience it since I'm gonna be coming here after the summer break," Luna explained.
Anyways I've got to go so I'll see you after summer break.
Luna waves.

"Hey, so Huey-" Jazmine gets cut off by Huey's phone ringing.
"Hello?" Huey answers.
"It's me Riley tell grandad-"
Huey hangs up before he could answer

"Who was it?" Jazmine asks.
"No one."
Riley and Cindy
"Can't believe it's summer break. " Cindy says.
"Yeah, I can't wait to get them water guns and blast Huey like BOW BOW BOW get wet all over you no homo!"
Riley starts making gun signs with his hands and pretending to shoot.

Cindy giggles. "Yeah like BOW BOW nigga."
"Hol up hol up, WHAT NIGGA?" Riley stops.
"What?" Cindy says confused."
"Who gave you the n-word pass?" Riley asks.
"Umm...well I'm dating you so....automatic?"
Cindy tries to make it sound ok.
"Whatever nigga." Riley keeps moving. (WALKING.)
Huey and Jazmine
"Alright, well I'll see you later." Jazmine waves as her parents pick her up and bring her home.
Huey begins walking home.

He finally makes it.

Jazmine goes straight to her room and gets on her bed while Huey goes to his room and gets in his bed too.

Huey gets a text message from Jazmine.
Text Messages

Jazmine: Hey Huey

Huey: Yes?

Jazmine: What do you want to do for summer break?

Huey: I don't know but it's really hot

Jazmine: Do you want to go to the pool tomorrow?

Huey: Sure that doesn't sound bad

Jazmine: We can go with Riley and Cindy too

Huey: Why Riley

Jazmine: Because he's Cindy's boyfriend.

Huey: wait what

Jazmine: Oh you didn't know that...

Jazmine: Welp talk to you tomorrow.
"No wonder he's been gone lately."
Huey calls Riley for the first time ever.
"Hello?" Riley answers the phone.
"Nigga come home I know you with your girlfriend."
"How did you know that and I'm gonna spend the night at her house.

Huey hangs up.
Huey experiences something called boredom for the first time ever.
Huey decided to sleep it off
Next part is at the pool!

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