7. Riley Pulls✅/Mall Trip🏬

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This was a quick one.
In Class
"What is fingering?" Riley wonders.
"Trust me you don't want to know," Cindy responds.

As Huey sits down next to Riley overhearing their weird ass conversation.

"C'mon just tell me!" Riley begs.
"Fine," Cindy says.
Cindy whispers into Riley's ear.
"The fuck.." Riley realized what he had just asked out loud.
"Sounds like some gay ass shit that Huey would do am I right?"
Huey balls up his fist.

"It was a joke chill out nigga."
Huey calms down.

"Alright, class it's time for a seat change." The teacher announces.
"Everyone stand up." The teacher says.
Everyone stands up.

"Riley sits here. Cindy sits here. Huey sits here, Jazmine sits here, etc." The teacher announces.

"NOOOOOOOO." Riley cries out as Cindy is across the whole classroom and Riley sits in front of Huey.
"Chill out nigga." Huey says.
"No cause now I gotta be with yo gay ass," Riley says angrily.
"Oh guys cmon it's not that bad at least we're all together." Jazmine tries to convince them their in a good spot.
"I'm ok with sitting with you but not this annoying nigga" Huey says.
"Hey, that's my line!" Riley complains.
"You're ok with sitting with me?" Jazmine says happily.

"He makes my day better just saying that," Jazmine says in her mind.

"Man, whatever just don't talk so I don't hear your sarcastic I wanna get slapped nigga voice," Riley says to Huey.

Huey doesn't respond because he doesn't want beef right now.

Hours later school ends.
After School
Riley and Cindy
The bell finally rings ending school.
Riley begins walking out of the classroom with Cindy.
"Hey, so Cindy."
"Yeah," Cindy responds.
"What were you gonna ask me earlier before the bell rang?" Riley asks.
"Well umm...I was gonna ask.. would you-" Cindy hesitates.
"Ayy be straight up with me." Riley encourages her to finish her sentence.

"Would you want to be my boyfriend!?!" Cindy blurts out. She starts to uncontrollably blush and she looks away from Riley.
"Of course." Riley is surprised but responds anyway.
Cindy looks at Riley happily and puts her arm around her arm.
"Want to spend the night at my house?" Cindy asks.

"Are your parents home?"
"Then bet," Riley responds.
Huey and Jazmine
"Hey Huey wait up!" Jazmine rushes over to Huey.
Huey waits.
"Where are you going?" Jazmine asks curious.
"The mall."
"The mall? Why would YOU ever go to the mall." Jazmine wonders.
"There's a tool shop there I need to go to," Huey explains.
"That sounds more like it," Jazmine says.

"So can I come?" Jazmine asks.
Jazmine begins doing puppy eyes at Huey.

"Yeah, I guess but only because I need help finding the store," Huey says even though a small part of him wants Jazmine to go.
"Ok!" Jazmine says gratefully.

They walk to the mall.
At The Mall
"We're finally here." Jazmine stops catching her breath.
"Yeah, we took a few wrong turns at first but it's fine," Huey says.

"OMG." Jazmine's face lights up.
"What?" Huey wonders why Jazmine looks so surprised.
"They have my favorite clothing store!" Jazmine says excitedly.

"Nope, Jazmine we're here for the tools," Huey responds.
"C'mon, Huey please," Jazmine begs.
Huey ignores her.
"Pleaaaaaase." Jazmine continues to beg.
"Ok fine."
"Yay!" Jazmine hugs Huey then rushes to the store.

Huey slowly walks behind her.

They enter the store.

Jazmine looks at the clothes and shows some clothes to Huey as Huey rates them and says his opinion on them.
"Hey, Huey enough looking at clothes let me try them on."
"Go ahead." Huey waits outside the changing room leaning on the wall with one leg on the wall and his hands in his pockets.

5 minutes later Jazmine comes out with a soft-looking outfit on. A soft pastel color dress white and a soft blue.

"What do you think?" Jazmine asks.
Huey is surprised it looks good.
"It actually really looks good on you, it even goes with your hair," Huey responds.
"That's the first nice thing you've said to me."
Jazmine giggles.

Huey starts to realize how cute Jazmine is again.

"I'm gonna try on some more since they have different styles," Jazmine says.
Jazmine goes back into the changing room.

Huey waits a little excited to see what she has to wear next.

Jazmine comes out of the dressing room with a goth-style full black dress on.
"Not bad," Huey says.
"You really do look good with any style," Huey says honestly but Jazmine takes it as a compliment.
"Thanks, Huey." Jazmine blushes and giggles.

Time flies and after Jazmine tries on multiple outfits the mall closed and Huey never got to get his tools.

"We never got to get my tools," Huey says as he walks out of the mall.
"Look I'm really sorry about that." Jazmine feels guilty.
"It's ok, I had a little bit of fun I guess," Huey admits.
"Is this Huey Freeman I'm talking to!?!" Jazmine says surprised.

"It's kinda late," Jazmine says.
"Could I spend the night at your house?" Jazmine looks at Huey waiting for an answer.
"Just don't sleep in the same bed as me and we're good."
"Ok!" Jazmine agrees happily.

They arrive at the house.
Grandad's House
Huey opens the door for Jazmine.
They both walk in.

"Hey, where's Riley?" Jazmine wonders.
"I don't know but when he comes back he's probably gonna get an ass whooping," Huey responds.

They both go upstairs to Huey's room.

Huey gets in his bed and turns around not looking at the other bed.
Shortly after Huey starts to feel Jazmine's arms around him.

Huey wants to complain but her body warmth is making him fall asleep.

Huey falls asleep.
Time passes by as the sun comes back up.
Huey wakes up.
He feels something in his pants.
He opens his eyes.

Jazmine's hand was in his pants. 💀
"The fuck." Huey slowly removes Jazmine's hand.

He then turned around facing her.

He started to notice what he didn't see before in Jazmine. She's pretty much the perfect girl even though she's not Huey's type (but kind of.). She's cheerful, nice, hot, and she has a nice body.

"Ok, I'm getting sidetracked."

Huey gets up and goes downstairs to the kitchen making his daily cereal.

Shortly after during Huey's cereal time, Jazmine comes downstairs.

"Good morning Huey," Jazmine says while yawning half asleep. Her shirt hangs off the side of her shoulder revealing her bra strap.

"Good morning Jazmine," Huey responds trying to ignore the fact that her shirt is hanging down.
"Quick question," Huey remembers.
"What?" Jazmine asks.
"Why tf was ur hand in my pants 💀" Huey asks.

"Umm.." Jazmine bites her pink lips.

"Did that nigga just bite her lip?" Huey says to himself in his mind.

"I- I'm a crazy sleeper so my hand could have just slid in there." Jazmine makes up a lie.
"Alright." Huey believes her.
"Want to walk to school today Huey?" Jazmine asks.
"Ok," Huey responds.

"I need some clothes," Jazmine says.
"Go across the street to your house and get the clothes," Huey says.
"But they're asleep and if I wake them up they might argue again." Jazmine pouts.
"Alright, fine you can borrow some of my clothes."
"Yay!" Jazmine hugs Huey.

They both get ready. Huey lets Jazmine change in his room and he changes in the bathroom.
They both began walking to school shortly after.
School time in the next part!

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