10. New Boy🏈

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Morning Time
Jazmine was asleep very close to Huey, so close their lips were almost touching.
Huey wakes up early.
Huey's eyes slowly open.

"Wh- Why is she so close to me." Huey wonders.
"Hold up." Huey gets out of the bed. He sees Jazmine asleep in his bed and Cindy practically cuddling with Riley in Riley's bed.
"For once Riley didn't wake me up." Huey starts doing the Lebron James celebration dance.

Jazmine wakes up.
She sees Huey dancing.
"Umm...why are you dancing." She asks while rubbing her eye.

Huey stops dancing embarrassed.
"I'm not."
Huey goes downstairs to the kitchen.

The phone in the kitchen starts ringing.
Huey answers the phone.
"Is this Huey Freeman?"
"Yes, that's me."
"Ok well, it's me your principal."
"There's a new student at school and I want you to show him around."
"Yeah, whatever bye." Huey hangs up the phone.

"There's been a lot of new students at school lately."
"It's also weird he would ask this during summer."
Huey thinks to himself.

Jazmine comes downstairs.
"Hey Huey whatcha doing," Jazmine asks.
"Getting ready for school, now," Huey responds.
"Why? It's summer."
"Well the principal wants me to show the new kid around so I'm gonna show him before school starts again," Huey explains.

"Another new kid?" Jazmine says surprised.
"Well, it's not another girl is it?" Jazmine looks at Huey with a jealous type of look.
"No, it's a boy," Huey says
Jazmine looks relieved.

Riley wakes up and goes downstairs.
"Why y'all so loud nigga. Don't wake Grandad up." Riley complains.
"Riley," Huey says.
"Shut the fuck up."

"Go back to sleep."
"Cindy took up the bed." Riley tried to explain.

The doorbell rings.

Huey opens the door.
There standing is Uncle Ruckus.
"Well well well it's the watermelon munching monkeys eh." Uncle Ruckus says.
"Nigga you're the one who rang the doorbell," Riley says confused.

"Monkeys always trying to accuse a handsome white man. Make America great again." Uncle Ruckus hands Huey a card.
On the card is a picture of Uncle Ruckus with a suit on and a message that says "Uncle Ruckus for president."

"We ain't voting for you nigga." Riley yells at Uncle Ruckus.
"So the monkeys wanna play games huh-" Huey slams the door before he can finish his sentence.

Shortly after, Cindy comes downstairs awake.
"Good morning everyone." She says.
"Ay Cindy, this nigga is going to show a new kid at school a tour so you wanna play basketball or something?" Riley says hyped.
"Sure." Cindy rubs her eyes.

"Well, ima going now," Huey says as he opens the door.
"Bye Huey," Jazmine says like a sad puppy that has to wait for its owner to come back home. (Ayo? 😈)

Huey begins walking to school.
He finally arrives at school.
Huey at School
I arrived at school and I saw a ghetto-looking black kid waiting in front of the school. He looked like his name was Deandre or something.

"Hey, are you the new kid?" I ask him.
"Yuh are you Huey?" He asks.
"Yeah nice to meet you, what's your name?"
"My name is James." Well, that was unexpected based on what he looks like.

"Alright well let's get started."
We began walking around the school.
I showed him the lockers, the lunch room, the classrooms, etc. He seems to like the school so far.

"This school is sick. It has a lunch room and everything." He sounds surprised.
Every school has that but I guess he lived in a really bad neighborhood or something before this.

We finally finished the tour.

"Yo, do you wanna hang out or something now?" He asked.
"I mean I guess."
"What if we have a sleepover?" He asks.
I was in no position to turn him down so I agreed and took him to my house.

Huey's House
We arrived at the house.
"Woah your house is nice." He admired my house.
"Yeah, it's alright."
I open the door.

"Oh, Huey back already," Riley says.
"Who's that?" Everyone says at the same time.
"This is the new kid at school," I explain.
"Wassup, my name is James." He waves at everyone.

"So the black guy is my brother, the white girl is his girlfriend, and-" I say but get cut off by James.
"So the mixed girl is your girlfriend?" James questions.
Jazmine blushes.
"No, she's just a friend," Huey explains.

"So y'all wanna play basketball?" Riley asks.
Everybody agrees.
Basketball Court (Huey POV)
"I wanna 1v1 this nigga Huey first so y'all chill," Riley says.
"Check nigga." Riley bounces the ball to me.
I pass the ball to him.
He crosses me then dunks on me.
I'm not very good at basketball obviously.
"BAM NIGGA!!!" Riley chants.

After several dunks on me, Riley makes a new game. "Alright, let's do all of you vs me!" Riley says excited to dunk on everyone.
"Actually I'm gonna sit this one out," Jazmine says while sitting on the bench.
"Me too," James says.
"Ok.." Riley says suspiciously.

While me and Cindy go against Riley, miserably losing, I see James and Jazmine talking to each other. They seem to have a lot in common.

I have a queasy feeling in my stomach.
"Am I jealous of James?" I wonder.
Sorry for taking so long to make a new part. I was taking a break, a very very long one but yeah lol

More coming soon...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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