I think we're alone now

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The two had been busy all day helping get everyone ready to visit the Byers and El in California, finally they had loaded everyone into Eddies recently bought van and hit the road, by lunchtime everyone in the back was asleep, leaving the metal head and his boyfriend in comforting silence until Eddie broke it

Gently he leaned over and leant his head on Steve's shoulder, kissing his neck lightly as he spoke;

"You know, I bet California has some great laughs for us sweetheart"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yuh huh" Eddie nodded, gently caressing Steve's jaw and leaning in

"EW" one of the kids shrieked from the back, it had been like this the whole way here

"That is disgusting! Keep your kinky kisses away from us!" another shouted, throwing half an old candy bar into the front seat

Steve huffed and prayed that he could drop the kids with Joyce for the night without any more chaos.

Which, after four more hours happened.

"Well I did wanna bang but" Steve began flopping into bed
"That's far too tiring" his boyfriend finished for him, sliding in next to him and tugging the covers over them.

"You're so pretty"

Steve tugged some of Eddies hair and began to braid it promptly causing Eddie to let out a small yelp, somewhere between confusion and pleasure.

"Suddenly I'm not so tired"

"Harrington you horny little bitch"

"We're all alone here honey"

"That we are"

With that they sank under the covers, sheets over their heads and clothes on the floor within seconds.

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