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Everyone has thoughts, feelings, something inside of them telling them to do something, an impulse wearing at their brain, usually they're quite small like 'buy that lottery ticket' or 'ignore that call' but not Eddies, the biggest compulsion he had was to slap Steve Harrington in the face.

Steve Harrington was one of the school assholes, in theory he was popular, in practice he was merely a douchebag who made a mess in class constantly, not that Eddie minded the disruption or the mess, it's not like he wanted to be in school anyway.

Although from time to time Harrington genuinely pissed him off, he wasn't sure if it was the boys rich kid persona or the fact that he was a total numbskull that got to him but he knew precisely what he'd do given the chance to, he knew exactly how he'd react if Steve decided to come after him, and it most certainly wasn't going to be weak.

On the other hand though he could see the appeal of the boy, he had charisma, granted it wasn't always charming but it was still there, he wasn't bad looking either, for a guy.

That's what pissed him off the most, he wasn't entirely sure why though.

Over the years he had bumped into the Harrington boy, they had been friends at the beginning of middle school when Steve first moved to Hawkins, that was until he was forced away, either by peer pressure or off of his own accord, he distinctly remembered the countless sweaters he would wear and the boys fascination with what his uncle Wayne called 'hobbit curls' which Eddie had sported at the time until 9th grade.

He had seen less of him more recently, the groups he used to hang around with now went about their days without the former swim captain, he of course assumed that by now he was off to college, perhaps with that Nancy girl as his fiancée (which infuriated him, because in reality he had never seen the appeal of Nancy, or Hiedi or anyone Steve had dated considering how bland they all were)

But he was wrong.

Steve was very much still in Hawkins, however he seemed more reserved now, he didn't seem to speak louder than needed anymore, his hair didn't look like it had just been done at all times, and he actually smiled.

Something was up.

He was talking with one of the band kids, he was pretty sure her name was Robin, it was strange to see him so...at ease? Especially despite the injuries on his,...well on his everything, Robin had a couple bruises on her legs and arms but Steve?

Steve looked like he'd just starred in a remake of Rocky.

One of his eyes was bloodshot and puffy, his bottom lip was swollen slightly with a long cut just beneath it.

'Looks like Byers got to him again, good for him'
He thought to himself, but unable to contain his curiosity he pressed his ear up against the shelf of the convenience store shelf yet the two still remained so hushed that he heard very little.

Their voices shook slightly as they whispered to eachother about 'the code'..

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